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Re: Re: Possible GPL violation?

<<Joe rewrites gcc and creates joesgcc, and gives that to Pete with a written offe
about the sorce code. Pete never bothers to ask for the source. Pete then
gives the binary joesgcc to Rick, and the readme-file that offers the source
comes with it. Rick, on the other hand, decides that he wants the source
and... Joe is then required to send the source to Rick? (Provided that Rick
pays for the floppy or CD or whatever the media may be.)

There is no requirement that the cost be limited to the cost of the media.
The GPL says that it is the cost of performing the copy, which means that
customary labor rates can be charged for such work. Handling a special order
to create a custom CD on request may actually be quite time consuming, so
one cannot easily say what the limit on cost would be.

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