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Re: Successful Build, GCC 3.2, custom SMP Linux System

On Mon, Aug 19, 2002 at 10:20:43AM -0400, Scott Robert Ladd wrote:
> I just successfully built and installed gcc 3.2 on my IBM Intellistation
> with (non-stock) dual 600MHz Pentium IIIs, running a custom kernel & glibc
> 2.2.5.
> root@Copernicus:~/work/build/gcc-3.2# ./config.guess
> i686-pc-linux-gnu

and from

> I just successfully built and installed gcc 3.2 on my Sun Ultra 10
> (UltraSPARC IIi, I believe), running Debian GNU/Linux 3.0r0.
> Galileo:~/work/build/gcc-3.2# ./config.guess
> sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu

Thanks!  Your messages are linked from the GCC 3.2 build status list at

The second was is listed as sparc-unknown-linux-gnu; let me know if I
got that wrong.


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