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Re: automatic bootstrap failure notification

On Tue, Aug 06, 2002 at 02:05:22PM +0200, Robert Schiele wrote:
> Hello,
> as some may have already noticed, I am sending the results of the
> regression tests after successful bootstrap processes to
> gcc-testresults from my automatic build system for some time now.
> I am currently adding a feature to this build system that allows
> sending automatic notification messages with some relevant information
> when bootstraping fails.
> Would sending such messages to gcc-testresults be welcome or would
> such messages be seen as annoying?

What are you bootstrapping on?  There is already a regression tester
covering i686-pc-linux-gnu, which nags committers off-list (and the
gcc-regression list created for that purpose).

Daniel Jacobowitz                           Carnegie Mellon University
MontaVista Software                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer

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