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Re: shadowed "for" scope variables not throwing up a warning (gcc 3.1.1/cygwin)

That's what `-Wshadow' is for.

Were you compiling with `-Wshadow' enabled?

On 05-Aug-2002, Dylan Cuthbert <> wrote:
> for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
> {
>     int i = 10;       <===== shadowing the i variable
>     printf( "%d\n", i  );
> }
> To my understanding, the "int i" in the for statement is within the scope of
> the following curly brackets?
> If this isn't an error (ie. there is a special "mini" scope created around
> the for statement's scope), then it *definitely* *definitely* (pretty
> please) should throw up a warning.  I just spent a while looking at some
> code before realising it was something as silly as this.
> Regards
> ---------------------------------
> Q-Games, Dylan Cuthbert.
> P2P internet radio -

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