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Re: implicit typename warnings with gcc 3.1

Richard Guenther <> writes:

| Hi!
| template <int i>
| struct foo {
|         typedef int a_t;
| };
| template <int i>
| class blubb : public foo<i>
| {
|         a_t x;
| };
| gives
| bellatrix:~/src/tests$ g++ -c implicit.cpp
| implicit.cpp:10: warning: `typename blubb<i>::a_t' is implicitly a
| typename
| implicit.cpp:10: warning: implicit typename is deprecated, please see the
|    documentation for details
| How am I supposed to fix such cases?

This must be a FAQ.  Dependent base names are not examined during the
first phase of name lookup in template codes.  That means the above
code is ill-formed, since there is no "a_t" in scope. The incriminated
line should read something like: 

   typename foo<i>::a_t x;

| Is this a gcc deficiency? 

No. The only deficiency I see is that it doesn't issue a hard error ;-)

| Intel C++
| doesnt complain here.

Then, it isn't compliant in that regard.

-- Gaby

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