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Re: release notes for gcc 3.1.1

On Thu, 25 Jul 2002, Joe Buck wrote:
> Unofficial release notes for GCC 3.1.1

In fact I don't see why this should be unofficial...

> (these release notes are a public service by a volunteer, just as for
> GCC there are no warranties) this holds for most other documentation contributions as well,
which we do not label unofficial.

I, for one, have a hard time imagining how to improve your notes much. ;-)

> sparc-specific:

I believe this should be SPARC (all uppercase).

>       In gcc 3.x, it is not supported to define __USE_MALLOC (to suppress
>       the use of allocators in the standard template library classes) unless
>       libstdc++ itself is rebuilt with __USE_MALLOC defined.  gcc 3.1.1

Should these (and a few others) be GCC?

Gerald "Jerry"

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