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FW: H8300 optimization

-----Original Message-----
From: Dhananjay R. Deshpande 
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 4:47 PM
To: ''
Subject: H8300 optimization


I have a simple function which returns max of two unsigned integers.

unsigned int maxu(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
  return ( a > b ? a : b );

Compiling it with h8300-hms-gcc -S -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer gives -
        .section .text
        .align 1
        .global _maxu
        mov.w   r0,r2
        mov.w   r1,r0
        cmp.w   r2,r1
        bhs     .L2
        mov.w   r2,r0
"GCC: (GNU) 3.1"

Here use of r2 as scratch register is not required. One could write 

		cmp.w     r1,r0    
            bhs       .L2
            mov.w     r1,r0 

This could save 2 instructions. Is it possible to generate this sequence
from compiler? 

I tried to understand from RTL dump how r2 comes into picture. It looks
like global reg alloc allocates r0 for b and r2 for a and this is causing 
use of extra register and 2 extra instructions.


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