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Re: RFC: Disable RTL inlininer for Java?

> > I believe that getting Java function-at-time should be current goal of
> > the Java developers (if time allows, of course), but situation seems to
> > be more complex on fortran side, as f77 fronend is, well, mess and f90
> > project does not appear to be avaialble soon.
> There is also quite a bit of work to make GNAT do function-at-a-time, but
> this is certainly an improvement intended for the future.

Yes, forgot to mention that, sorry.
So the question is whether we want to keep RTL inliner for longer, when
we plan to replace it even when it has noticeable maintenance cost, or
whether we want to invest the time to function-at-a-timeizing rest of

I am not sure what other frontends are in existence that does matter
(pascal?) but it will be definitly a lot of work.


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