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multilib question

One more...

In my ongoing quest to get -membedded-pic (ex disable-got) on ARM (and
thumb), one question I've not yet resolved is the multilib options.

I'll need a lot of them, since I'll be doing a bit of testing:
-marm	(default)
-marm -fpic
-marm -fpic -membedded-pic
-mthumb -fpic
-mthumb -fpic -membedded-pic

Seems plain enough. BUT...

MULTILIB_OPTIONS     = marm/mthumb
MULTILIB_DIRNAMES    = arm thumb

MULTILIB_OPTIONS    += fno-pic/fpic
MULTILIB_DIRNAMES   += no-pic pic

MULTILIB_OPTIONS    += mno-embedded-pic/membedded-pic
MULTILIB_DIRNAMES   += no-embedded embedded
MULITLIB_EXCEPTIONS += *fpic*/*membedded-pic*

omits the -fpic -membedded-pic (since embedded automatically includes
pic[1]) as asked, but it builds things like ./libgcc.a AND
./no-pic/libgcc.a (which are equivalent), same for thumb, and of course
no-pic/embedded which does not make sense at all... So it would seem
that except for the marm/mthumb, the flags are interpreted as tristate
(not specified/no-.../...)

[this is cvs, btw]

(Oh, and it still segfaults while building libgcc with optimization. But
I assume this is still the problem you [Nick] have already told me
greets from Zürich
-- vbi

[1] wether this is wise is another matter. I'll be happy to discuss it
as soon as the other problems are solved

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