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Re: Cannot link C++ programs statically with GCC 3.1 (CVS)?

Am Mon, 2001-10-15 um 00.51 schrieb 1003099919:

> It does for me, but I may have a different definition of "slicker" than
> you do.

I have a little template class that generates an Huffman trie from a
file, creates a lookuptable which is used to compress this file. It will
also serialise and deserialise the trie and expand the symbols.

At -O2 the object total size of a simple demo compressor (2.95.3 vs. gcc
cvs) doubled, statically linked it's 2.5 MB vs. 5 MB; dynamically it's 
500 kb vs. 1 MB which is IMHO a bit much for such a simple class (few
hundred lines of code). 

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