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long-calls in ARM

  Would it be very difficoult to allow gcc decide when does it have to
do long-calls and when not?
  I have a system where there are two memory regions very far from each
other and I have no MMU. (The only hint for gcc of this situation is the
linker script, and the fact that some functions are compiled in
different sections depending on which region it occupies).
  I know nothing about gcc internals, so this is just a wish a make
because I'm not able to modify gcc myself.
  I suppose that this is a task for the linker, but I don't which part
of the work is done by gcc and which by the linker, but I think that the
problem with long-calls is in part in the compiler, because it generates
calls to functions with "bl", or using a pointer when I use mlong-calls
(which allows jumps to everywhere in memory), but the ideal would be
being capable of mixing both calls.

Rafael Rodríguez Velilla
Telefónica I+D
Telf: +34 - 91 337 4270

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