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long double = unsigned long long

------------------------------------------ C-code

unsigned long long  x;
long double         y;

    y = x;

------------------------------------------ -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=athlon ....

.section  .rodata
.align 	16

        .long   0x0,0x80000000,0x403f
.align 16		

.globl main
.type   main,@function
        movl    x+4, %edx
        movl    x, %eax				<--- we never need this data in a CPU register			
        pushl   %edx
        pushl   %eax				<--- what's that?
        fildll  (%esp)
        addl    $8, %esp
        testl   %edx, %edx
        js      .L3
        fstpt   y
        .p2align 4,,7

        fldt    .LC0
        faddp   %st, %st(1)
        jmp     .L2

------------------------------------------ optimized

.section  .rodata
.align 	4

        .long   0x5F800000
.align 16

.globl main
.type   main,@function
        testb   $0x80, x+7			<--- there are still a lot of other possibilities to check (signed ll)x < 0
        fildll  x
        jnz     .L2
.L3:	fstpt   y

        .p2align 4,,7
	fadds	.LC0				<--- a float can EXACTLY store a 2^64. This constant can also be a part of the libm. Then we need this value only one time for every huge program.
	jmp	.L3

------------------------------------------ without jump

.align 16

.globl main
.type   main,@function
        movl    x+4, %eax
	addl	%eax, %eax
        fildll  x
	sbbl	%eax, %eax			<--- CY operations are slow, maybe mispredicted jumps are worse
	andl	$0x5F800000, %eax
	push	%eax
        fadds	(%esp)
	addl	$4, %esp
	fstpt   y

-------------------------------------------- without jumps
Also possible with conditional fcmov + fadd

Interest ?

Frank Klemm

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