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Re: GCC 3.0 and KDE 2

Gerald Pfeifer <> writes:

| >From
|    Note: gcc 3.0 is not recommended for compilation of KDE 2.2. There are
|    several known miscompilations of production C++ code with this
|    compiler, like i.e. virtual inheritance which is used for example in
|    arts. We know that you will experience a lot of runtime difficulties
|    when you compile with gcc 3.0, so using this particular compiler
|    version is at your own risk, and please do not report bugs to us if
|    you use this compiler. The problems are mostly known and we're working
|    with the gcc team to get them fixed.
| Probably I've missed that, but is this really known (and worked on)??

Hmm, actually I don't know what the problem is.  Would someone who is
familiar with that problem want to educate me?

| That might be a useful thing to address for GCC 3.0.1.


KDE-2.x might be a good candidate for G++ evaluation criteria.

-- Gaby

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