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(f)lex & poisoned malloc / free in system.h

	Since (f)lex generates malloc / free in its autogenerated
code, and since mostly generated lexers include the parser's generated
header, which in turn includes the YYSTYPE union, which in turn will
inevitably require headers that require system.h - how can one use
(f)lex to generate a lexer for a gcc language frontend in gcc 3 ?

	Of course, I'm lead to believe that only the slow of thinking
like to use generated lexers - and this seems to be born out by a lack
of .l's lying in the gcc source tree.

	Naturaly I'm almost certainly missing a trivial, portable way to
override the autogenerated malloc / free, but I can't find one lurking in
the man pages.

	Any thoughts ?

		Michael Meeks.

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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