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Re: Header file installation

>>>>> "David" == David Edelsohn <> writes:

    David> 	Better associating the headers with each GCC release
    David> sounds like a fine idea.  I am a little concerned about
    David> placing the G++ headers with the "fixed" system headers and
    David> support files.  That location contains target-dependent
    David> data, so it precludes sharing the common headers among
    David> targets.  I can sympathize that another
    David> target-triplet/version directory hierachy would be
    David> cumbersome if the version is not sufficient.

I'm not sure I understood that last bit.  I see your point about
sharing headers -- but some things (like c++config.h) can't be shared

    David> 	I worry that the headers will be hard to find and
    David> browse; it almost seems like the headers are being hidden.
    David> Maybe a symbolic link from $prefix/include could be
    David> provided for the latest installation?

That seems pretty sensible to me; it's analagous to what we do with
`lib' and such.  More analagous would be individual links to each and
every header file, but that seems like overkill. 

Actually, we don't want `/usr/local/include' pointing off into some
weird place; lots of other stuff gets installed there, too.  So, I'm
not sure exactly what to do in terms of links.

Mark Mitchell         
CodeSourcery, LLC     

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