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Re: GCC 3.0 said:

>> Mark writes:
>> I would prefer that we go to a non-conforming -- but approximately
>> working -- implementation sooner, if that is possible.  If we can turn
>> on V3 approximately now, and not make things a whole lot more
>> non-conforming than they already are with V2, that would be a good
>> thing.

> It seems that most of the problems are associated with the wide
> characters and locales.  Perhaps have some #ifdef that takes that out
> on platforms where it doesn't work yet?  We can then test everything
> else. 

Just one more thought that I got when I read Mark's E-mail...

There is the promise floating around that after 3.0 there will be no 
more intempestive ABI changes and IIRC by this people also mean ABI changes
within the C++ standard library. I do not know the current status of 
locales, but if some major work is still under consideration there 
will certainly be some breakage of some sort...

There are I think three solutions:

	- relax the release criterion which is questionnable.
	- release only the sub-part of V3 that is stable.
	- use some compiler trickery, I know nothing about...

Please tell me I'm wrong....

On the other hand, it is clear that V3 should just undergo some "large scale"
testing now, if gcc-3.0 is to come within the next 6 months (certainly
an over-estimation, but sometimes I like pessimistic bounds... all 
the more that g++-3.0 has so many new things :-) ).

Theodore Papadopoulo
Email: Tel: (33) 04 92 38 76 01

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