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Re: texinfo and the NLS problems

On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Philipp Thomas wrote:
> I nailed down the cause of the failure for the NLS stuff on
> systems where the gettext tools aren't installed, it's texinfo. Texinfo is
> also i18ned and thus also uses the damned gettext autconf macros, although
> in their original form, which is flawed to say the least.

FWIW, I verified that if I remove the texinfo subtree from the checked
out copy on my (sole) Linux box which has not been able to bootstrap for
several weeks, this indeed solves the problem.

> As it's now biting me, I finally volunteer to do that work [of
> removing texinfo from the tree]


> The really right thing IMNSHO would be to completely rewrite the whole
> gettext NLS macro mess.

You're not the only one. ;-)

> All in all yet another reason for why active maintenance of the gettext
> package is badly needed. But that's more medium range stuff.

...though one we that has to be addressed, eventually.

Thanks for taking care of this stuff!

Gerald "Jerry"
Have a look at -- it's not about Linux, btw!

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