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Re: A new parallel buld patch

On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 09:19:27AM -0600, Jeffrey A Law wrote:
>   In message <>you write:
>   > 	Below is the patch from HJ's URL for which HJ seems incapable of
>   > emailing directly, documenting, explaining, providing a ChangeLog
>   > description, or sending to the proper mailinglist.  Sigh.
> Typical HJ.  I'm not going to try and decipher what the patch does.  I
> know Zack tried and indicated the patch had a number of problems.
> I do not recommend installing it.

I had enough. Alexandre, I want to withdraw my patch. Please don't
install it.

For those who are interested in my patches for gcc 3.0, they will
be at

I will keep updating my patches and any suggestions are more than
welcome via private emails. There will be no further emails to
the gcc mailing lists from me on gcc 3.0.

Jeff, you know you installed an incomplete C++ thunks patch from
Martin to the gcc 2.95 branch on April 12 and as the result,
Linux/glibc/ia32 is broken. Why did you do it to Linux? People
have been telling you about it. Why haven't you done anything
about it? Don't tell me you don't know what to do.


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