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Re: [PATCH] Make --enable-nls the default when notcross-compiling

>>>>> "Philipp" == Philipp Thomas <> writes:

    Philipp> I'm resending this with a more appropriate subject to
    Philipp> ease tracking.

    Philipp> * Mark Mitchell ( [20000430 08:58]:

    >> If you submit a patch that contains your current patch (making
    >> --enable-nls) the default, but that also makes sure that we're
    >> not cross-compiling, or Canadian cross-compiling, then I'll
    >> approve it.

    Philipp> Like so ?  Also note that I don't have write privileges,
    Philipp> so someone else needs to check this in.

I applied your patch, but before checking it in I thought I'd better
test it.  I got:

cd ../../../gcc/po && rm -f stamp-cat-id && echo timestamp > stamp-cat-id
make[3]: *** No rule to make target `', needed by `all-yes'.  Stop.

on my RedHat 6.1 system when doing a fresh build.  So, I think there's
something wrong with the NLS support at this point.  We'll have to
resolve this issue first.


Mark Mitchell         
CodeSourcery, LLC     

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