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Re: Suggestions for extended asm

Joern Rennecke <> writes:

> > 1. allow specifying the true length of assembler code
> > inserted (equivalent of set_attr "length" ... in *.md,
> > currently it is done by counting line separators in the
> > string, but that might be unreliable if machine opcodes
> > have different sizes or constructs like .rept/.endr are
> > used).  This is significant to prevent assembler errors
> > if branches have limited range (like -64/+63 on AVR).
> This is rather error prone.  I think you should rather fix the
> machine description to use ADJUST_INSN_LENGTH to fix up the length of
> assembelr insns.

Yes. I'm agree with you.
asm ("mov %0,%1 /* -*-insn-length-*- 1 */", ...

I can search the asm patterns, try to extract number after
`-*-insn-length-*-' and after that correct the `length' attribute.


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