This is the mail archive of the
mailing list for the GCC project.
Re: GCC 3.0 Release Criteria
>>>>> "Mumit" == Mumit Khan <khan@NanoTech.Wisc.EDU> writes:
Mumit> On Tue, 2 May 2000, Mark Mitchell wrote:
>> You're perhaps confused by my failure to keep up with email. I
>> have every intention of extending the second tier list with
>> several additional platforms, including NetBSD, PowerPC Linux,
>> ARM Linux, and perhaps others which people have a) suggested,
>> and b) volunteered to help out with. However, I've been so
>> deluged that I've not yet had a chance to update the document
>> or resopnd to all of the mail.
Mumit> Mark,
Mumit> I would also like to see one of the windows ports,
Mumit> preferably Cygwin port, as a second-tier platform. I'll do
Done. I'll need a specific target triplet for this platform.
Mark Mitchell
CodeSourcery, LLC