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Re: Estimated SPEC2000 results for gcc+alpha

On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 11:24:41AM -0500, Brad Lucier wrote:
> I do have some partial results, though.  If people think that it will
> help the development of the gcc toolset, then I'll continue.

Fixing the bugs that were exposed would help everyone.  Tuning
would of course also help, but it seems rare to find the time.

>    171.swim                                  X                             
>    172.mgrid                                 X                             
>    173.applu                                 X                             
>    301.apsi                                  X     

Wow I'm surprised all of these failed.  Or did they update them for f90?

>    176.gcc                                   X                             

Is this a compilation failure?  Spec95 shipped with code that simply
would not compile with gcc due to ifdef __GNUC__ code referring to
stuff they'd removed.


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