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Re: Checkin Policy

>>>>> "Gerald" == Gerald Pfeifer <> writes:

    Gerald> On Wed, 18 Nov 1998, Mark Mitchell wrote:
    >> But, if we adopt some policy based on my initial suggestion
    >> followed by your "clearly correct" waiver, we need to include
    >> this paragraph (or some rewording of it) in that policy.
    >> Otherwise, I'm not sure everyone will interpret "clearly
    >> correct" in the way that you meant it.

    Gerald> May I suggest that once there is full consensus on this
    Gerald> issue, someone (Mark? Craig?) submits a patch for
    Gerald>, section
    Gerald> ``Submitting Patches''?

    Gerald> If you don't feel comfortable with HTML, just send plain
    Gerald> text and I'll do the markup.

I'm willing to write the text and let Craig edit as he sees fit,
assuming we decide this is the way we want to go.

    Gerald> The final decision is Jeff's, I guess, isn't it?


Mark Mitchell
Mark Mitchell Consulting

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