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Re: Unnamed UNION and STRUCT members

Andreas Schwab <> writes:
> Branko Cibej <> writes:
> |> "Pavel Pisa;research student" wrote:
> |> 
> |> It is an M$ extension, but AFAIK it's also defined in C9X, so egcs
> |> should definitely know about it.
> No.  The latest C9X draft does not mention unnamed unions.  This must have
> been added only very recently, which is very unlikely.

Pavel is half right -- it's a Microsoft's extension, and much like any
ad-hoc platform specific extension, it's a proven method to avoid the
complications of dealing with competition.

If anyone's interested, I still have some patches lying around (mostly
from Alastair Houghton) that implements this "feature". I never submitted
these patches to egcs for obvious reasons.


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