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Re: more than 10 operands in `asm'

  In message <>you write:
  > Two more syntax possibilities:
  >   - Retain the old meaning of %10 when there are fewer than ten
  >     operands, but treat it as operand #10 when there are ten or more
  >     operands.  This is nice because it's definitely backwards compatible.
  >     To avoid too many surprises, I'd make the rule: if there are fewer than
  >     10 operands, %[0-9] is an operand and %[0-9][0-9]+ elicits a warning.
  >     If there are 10 or more operands, %[0-9]+ is an operand and all digits
  >     are consumed.  A number out of range is an error.
  >   - Extend the syntax to %{[0-9]+} for multi-digit operands.
Ewwwww.  It may be backwards compatible, but it's butt ugly.

Better to find any old style %digitdigit strings and fix them or define
a simple syntax without context rules.


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