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Re: Severe assembler funkiness on Irix 6

  In message <>you write:
  > We must now port this code to IRIX 6.2/6.3/6.?.  I've just finished
  > building egcs using 'cc -n32' for the bootstrap, and it works fine.  But I
  > could not install the needed parts of binutils, because gld/gas is not
  > supported on Irix6 (why not?).  I built egcs anyhow, and tried to build our
  > code.
Nobody's done the work to support gas/gld for irix6.  I hear rumblings that
this may happen in the future, but no definite plans.

  > Is there any received wisdom on how to work around this?  If the native
  > Irix assembler is the only one available to us, then we are in for some
  > serious rewriting pain.  (The MipsPro CC compiler is so lacking it's not
  > even funny, so using the native C++ compiler won't help us either.)
You might be able to use the new name mangling scheme -fsquangle.  Note that
you'll have to get all the libraries built with that option and build all
your code with that option.


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