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Results for 4.2.0 20070430 (prerelease) testsuite on powerpc-apple-darwin8

Test results using gcc-4.2-RC2 (20070430).
Using fink packaging draft submitted by Jack Howarth, for gcc42's RC1, 
trivially modified and re-used for RC2.  

---------- ---------------------------------------------------------
Info2: <<
Package: gcc42
Version: 4.1.9999
Revision: 20070430
Source-MD5: 63977be717d724facc8dbaabfcda2b72
Type: -64bit
Conflicts: gcc4
Replaces: gcc4
Depends: gmp-shlibs (>= 4.2.1-1), libmpfr1-shlibs (>= 2.2.0-2), %N-shlibs (>= %v-%r), libiconv, libgettext3-shlibs, cctools (>= 622-1)
BuildDepends: gmp (>= 4.2.1-1), libmpfr1 (>= 2.2.0-2), libiconv-dev, gettext-tools, libgettext3-dev, cctools (>= 622-1)
ConfigureParams: <<
 --prefix=%p/lib/gcc4.2 --mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,objc,java \\
 \`cc -v 2>&1|grep '^Configured'|tr ' ' '\\n'|egrep '^\\-\\-(with\\-(arch|tune)|host)='|xargs\` \\
 --with-gmp=%p --with-libiconv-prefix=%p --with-system-zlib --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib
Patch: %n.patch
CompileScript: <<
 #!/bin/sh -ev
 ulimit -s \`ulimit -s\`
 cd boehm-gc
 # Hack to avoid building multilib boehm-gc
 perl -pi -e 's/^all: all-redirect/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\nall: all-redirect\\nelse\\nall:\\n\\techo Multilib libffi build disabled\\nendif/'
 perl -pi -e 's/^install: install-redirect/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\ninstall: install-redirect\\nelse\\ninstall:\\n\\techo Multiffi libjava install disabled\\nendif/'
 perl -pi -e 's/^check: check-redirect/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\ncheck: check-redirect\\nelse\\ncheck:\\n\\techo Multilib libffi check disabled\\nendif/'
 perl -pi -e 's/^all: all-recursive/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\nall: all-recursive\\nelse\\nall:\\n\\techo Multilib libffi build disabled\\nendif/'
 perl -pi -e 's/^install: install-recursive/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\ninstall: install-recursive\\nelse\\ninstall:\\n\\techo Multilib libffi install disabled\\nendif/'
 perl -pi -e 's/^check: check-recursive/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\ncheck: check-recursive\\nelse\\ncheck:\\n\\techo Multilib libffi check disabled\\nendif/'
 cd ..
 cd libffi
 # Hack to avoid building multilib libffi
 perl -pi -e 's/^\\t\\\$\\(MAKE\\) \\\$\\(AM_MAKEFLAGS\\) all-recursive\\n//'
 perl -pi -e 's/^all: fficonfig.h/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\nall: fficonfig.h\\n\\t\\\$(MAKE) \\\$(AM_MAKEFLAGS) all-recursive\\nelse\\nall:\\n\\techo Multilib libffi build disabled\\nendif/'
 perl -pi -e 's/^install: install-redirect/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\ninstall: install-redirect\\nelse\\ninstall:\\n\\techo Multiffi libjava install disabled\\nendif/'
 perl -pi -e 's/^check: check-redirect/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\ncheck: check-redirect\\nelse\\ncheck:\\n\\techo Multilib libffi check disabled\\nendif/'
 perl -pi -e 's/^all: all-recursive/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\nall: all-recursive\\nelse\\nall:\\n\\techo Multilib libffi build disabled\\nendif/'
 perl -pi -e 's/^install: install-recursive/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\ninstall: install-recursive\\nelse\\ninstall:\\n\\techo Multilib libffi install disabled\\nendif/'
 perl -pi -e 's/^check: check-recursive/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\ncheck: check-recursive\\nelse\\ncheck:\\n\\techo Multilib libffi check disabled\\nendif/'
 cd ..
 cd libjava
# regenerate configure with hacked to avoid multilib build
 autoconf  -I . -I .. -I ../config
# Hack to avoid building multilib libjava
 perl -pi -e 's/^all: all-redirect/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\nall: all-redirect\\nelse\\nall:\\n\\techo Multilib libjava build disabled\\nendif/'
 perl -pi -e 's/^install: install-redirect/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\ninstall: install-redirect\\nelse\\ninstall:\\n\\techo Multilib libjava install disabled\\nendif/'
 perl -pi -e 's/^check: check-redirect/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\ncheck: check-redirect\\nelse\\ncheck:\\n\\techo Multilib libjava check disabled\\nendif/'
 perl -pi -e 's/^all: all-recursive/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\nall: all-recursive\\nelse\\nall:\\n\\techo Multilib libjava build disabled\\nendif/'
 perl -pi -e 's/^install: install-recursive/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\ninstall: install-recursive\\nelse\\ninstall:\\n\\techo Multilib libjava install disabled\\nendif/'
 perl -pi -e 's/^check: check-recursive/ifeq (\\\$(MULTISUBDIR),)\\ncheck: check-recursive\\nelse\\ncheck:\\n\\techo Multilib libjava check disabled\\nendif/'
 cd ..
 mkdir ../darwin_objdir
 cd ../darwin_objdir
 ../gcc-4.2.0-%r/configure %c
 ##  make check requires autogen, dejagnu and expect, and should be run, in darwin_objdir, after install.
 ##  on 32-bit processors use
 # make -k check
 ##  on 64-bit processors use
 # make -k check RUNTESTFLAGS="--target_board=unix'{-m32,-m64}'"
InstallScript: <<
 #!/bin/sh -ev
 cd ../darwin_objdir
 make install DESTDIR=%d 
 mkdir -p %i/bin
 ln -s %p/lib/gcc4.2/bin/gfortran %i/bin/gfortran
 ln -s %p/lib/gcc4.2/bin/gcc %i/bin/gcc-4
 ln -s %p/lib/gcc4.2/bin/g++ %i/bin/g++-4
 ln -s %p/lib/gcc4.2/bin/c++ %i/bin/c++-4
 ln -s %p/lib/gcc4.2/bin/cpp %i/bin/cpp-4
 ln -s %p/lib/gcc4.2/bin/gcov %i/bin/gcov-4
 ln -s %p/lib/gcc4.2/bin/gcj %i/bin/gcj
 ln -s %p/lib/gcc4.2/bin/gcj-dbtool %i/bin/gcj-dbtool
 ln -s %p/lib/gcc4.2/bin/gcjh %i/bin/gcjh
 ln -s %p/lib/gcc4.2/bin/gij %i/bin/gij
 ln -s %p/lib/gcc4.2/bin/gjnih %i/bin/gjnih
 ln -s %p/lib/gcc4.2/bin/grmiregistry %i/bin/grmiregistry
 ln -s %p/lib/gcc4.2/bin/grmic %i/bin/grmic
 ln -s %p/lib/gcc4.2/bin/jcf-dump %i/bin/jcf-dump
 ln -s %p/lib/gcc4.2/bin/jv-convert %i/bin/jv-convert
 ln -s %p/lib/gcc4.2/bin/jv-scan %i/bin/jv-scan
 mv %i/share/info/ %i/share/info/
 mv %i/share/info/ %i/share/info/
 mv %i/share/man/man1/cpp.1 %i/share/man/man1/cpp-4.1
 mv %i/share/man/man1/g++.1 %i/share/man/man1/g++-4.1
 mv %i/share/man/man1/gcc.1 %i/share/man/man1/gcc-4.1
 mv %i/share/man/man1/gcov.1 %i/share/man/man1/gcov-4.1
 # remove build path from .la files
 perl -pi -e "s, \\-L[^ ']*/%n-%v-%r/darwin_objdir/[^ ']*,,g" \`find %i/lib/gcc4.2/lib -name '*.la'\`
SplitOff: <<
  Package: %N-shlibs
  Replaces: gcc4 (<= 20050130-4), gfortran-shlibs
  Provides: gfortran-shlibs
  Description: Shared libraries for gcc4
  DocFiles: gcc/COPYING gcc/COPYING.LIB
  Files: <<
  Shlibs: <<
    %p/lib/gcc4.2/lib/libgfortran.2.dylib 3.0.0 %n (>= 4.1.999-20060915) 32
    %p/lib/gcc4.2/lib/libffi.4.dylib 5.0.0 %n (>= 20050130-5) 32
    %p/lib/gcc4.2/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib 5.0.0 %n (>= 4.1-1) 32
    %p/lib/gcc4.2/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 4.1-1) 32-64
    %p/lib/gcc4.2/lib/libgcj.8.dylib 9.0.0 %n (>= 4.1.999-20060915) 32
    %p/lib/gcc4.2/lib/libgcj-tools.8.dylib  9.0.0 %n (>= 4.1.999-20060915) 32
    %p/lib/gcc4.2/lib/libgij.8.dylib 9.0.0 %n (>= 4.1.999-20060915) 32
    %p/lib/gcc4.2/lib/libssp.0.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 4.1-1) 32
    %p/lib/gcc4.2/lib/libobjc-gnu.1.dylib 2.0.0 %n (>= 20050130-5) 32
    %p/lib/gcc4.2/lib/libgomp.1.dylib 2.0.0 %n (>= 2:4.1.99-20060513) 32
    %p/lib/gcc4.2/%lib/libgfortran.2.dylib 3.0.0 %n (>= 4.1.999-20060915) 64
    %p/lib/gcc4.2/%lib/libstdc++.6.dylib 5.0.0 %n (>= 4.1-1) 64
    %p/lib/gcc4.2/%lib/libssp.0.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 4.1-1) 64
    %p/lib/gcc4.2/%lib/libobjc-gnu.1.dylib 2.0.0 %n (>= 20050130-5) 64
    %p/lib/gcc4.2/%lib/libgomp.1.dylib 2.0.0 %n (>= 2:4.1.99-20060513) 64
License: GPL
Description: GNU Compiler Collection Version 4.2
DescDetail: <<
 GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection, includes front ends for
 C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Fortran, Java, and Ada.
 C, C++, Objective C and Fortran and Java are included in this package.
 The C and C++ compilers are named gcc-4 and g++-4 to avoid
 conflicts with gcc and g++ installed by the Apple Developer Tools
DescPackaging: <<
   The multilib builds of boehm-gc, libffi and libjava are disabled
since the 64-bit support is incomplete on Darwin for those libraries.
The use of odcctools has been removed and replaced with a BuildDepends
and Depends on the gcc version from Xcode 2.4.1.
Maintainer: Jack Howarth <>

---------- gcc42.patch --------------------------------------------------------
--- gcc-4.2-20060822/gcc/testsuite/lib/	2006-08-23 18:33:56.000000000 -0400
+++ gcc-4.2-20060822/gcc/testsuite/lib/prune.exp	2006-08-23 18:41:28.000000000 -0400
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
     regsub -all "(^|\\n)\\[^\\n\\]*file path prefix \\[^\\n\\]* never used" \$text "" text
     regsub -all "(^|\\n)\\[^\\n\\]*linker input file unused since linking not done" \$text "" text
+    regsub -all "(^|\\n)can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs \\[^\\n\\]* in \\[^\\n\\]*" \$text "" text
     #send_user "After:\$text\\n"
     return \$text
--- gcc-4.2-20060825/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/lib/   2006-08-26 11:22:52.000000000 -0400
+++ gcc-4.2-20060825/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/lib/prune.exp       2006-08-26 11:23:39.000000000 -0400
@@ -29,5 +29,7 @@
     regsub -all "(^|\\n)\\[^\\n\\]*: Additional NOP may be necessary to workaround Itanium processor A/B step errata" \$text "" text
     regsub -all "(^|\\n)\\[^\\n*\\]*: Assembler messages:\\[^\\n\\]*" \$text "" text
+    regsub -all "(^|\\n)can't find atom for N_GSYM stabs \\[^\\n\\]* in \\[^\\n\\]*" \$text "" text
     return \$text
--- gcc-4.2-20061107/libjava/	2006-11-13 20:36:59.000000000 -0500
+++ gcc-4.2-20061107/libjava/	2006-11-13 20:38:22.000000000 -0500
@@ -180,6 +180,10 @@
+if test -n "\${with_multisubdir}"; then
+  peerlibs=no
 for peer in \$peerlibs ; do
   case \$peer in
---------- other host info ----------------------------------------------------

CPU: powerpc7400 (dual G4)
OS: OS X 10.4.9 (powerPC)
native compiler: gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5363)

LAST_UPDATED: Obtained from SVN: branches/gcc-4_2-branch revision 124303

Native configuration is powerpc-apple-darwin8

		=== g++ tests ===

Running target unix
FAIL: g++.dg/ext/alignof2.C execution test
FAIL: g++.dg/other/unused1.C scan-assembler (string|ascii?)z?\\t"class2("|\\\\\\\\000)
FAIL: g++.dg/other/unused1.C scan-assembler (string|ascii?)z?\\t"printer("|\\\\\\\\000)
FAIL: g++.dg/warn/weak1.C (test for excess errors)
WARNING: g++.dg/warn/weak1.C compilation failed to produce executable
FAIL: g++.dg/special/conpr-3.C execution test

		=== g++ Summary ===

# of expected passes		13272
# of unexpected failures	5
# of expected failures		66
# of unsupported tests		130
/Volumes/Mercedes2/sw/src/  version 4.2.0 20070430 (prerelease)

		=== gcc tests ===

Running target unix
WARNING: program timed out.
FAIL: gcc.c-torture/compile/20001226-1.c  -O2  (test for excess errors)
WARNING: program timed out.
FAIL: gcc.c-torture/compile/20001226-1.c  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer  (test for excess errors)
WARNING: program timed out.
FAIL: gcc.c-torture/compile/20001226-1.c  -O3 -g  (test for excess errors)
WARNING: program timed out.
FAIL: gcc.c-torture/compile/20001226-1.c  -Os  (test for excess errors)
XPASS: gcc.c-torture/execute/mayalias-2.c compilation,  -O3 -g 
XPASS: gcc.dg/20020103-1.c scan-assembler-not LC[0-9]
FAIL: gcc.dg/setjmp-3.c (test for excess errors)
FAIL: gcc.dg/setjmp-4.c (test for excess errors)
FAIL: gcc.dg/tree-ssa/loop-19.c scan-tree-dump-times MEM.(base: &|symbol: )a, 2
FAIL: gcc.dg/tree-ssa/loop-19.c scan-tree-dump-times MEM.(base: &|symbol: )c, 2
FAIL: gcc.dg/vect/section-anchors-pr27770.c (test for excess errors)
FAIL: gcc.dg/vect/section-anchors-vect-69.c (test for excess errors)
FAIL: gcc.dg/vect/section-anchors-vect-69.c scan-tree-dump-times Alignment of access forced using peeling 4
FAIL: execution test
FAIL: scan-assembler .stabs.*vi:\\\\(0,[0-9]+\\\\)=@V

		=== gcc Summary ===

# of expected passes		42524
# of unexpected failures	13
# of unexpected successes	2
# of expected failures		119
# of untested testcases		28
# of unsupported tests		448
/Volumes/Mercedes2/sw/src/  version 4.2.0 20070430 (prerelease)

		=== gfortran tests ===

Running target unix
FAIL: gfortran.dg/large_real_kind_2.F90  -O0  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/large_real_kind_2.F90  -O1  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/large_real_kind_2.F90  -O2  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/large_real_kind_2.F90  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/large_real_kind_2.F90  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/large_real_kind_2.F90  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-all-loops -finline-functions  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/large_real_kind_2.F90  -O3 -g  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/large_real_kind_2.F90  -Os  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/large_real_kind_form_io_2.f90  -O0  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/large_real_kind_form_io_2.f90  -O1  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/large_real_kind_form_io_2.f90  -O2  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/large_real_kind_form_io_2.f90  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/large_real_kind_form_io_2.f90  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/large_real_kind_form_io_2.f90  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-all-loops -finline-functions  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/large_real_kind_form_io_2.f90  -O3 -g  execution test
FAIL: gfortran.dg/large_real_kind_form_io_2.f90  -Os  execution test

		=== gfortran Summary ===

# of expected passes		15887
# of unexpected failures	16
# of expected failures		7
# of unsupported tests		57
/Volumes/Mercedes2/sw/src/  version 4.2.0 20070430 (prerelease)

		=== objc tests ===

Running target unix

		=== objc Summary ===

# of expected passes		3041
# of expected failures		17
# of unsupported tests		1
/Volumes/Mercedes2/sw/src/  version 4.2.0 20070430 (prerelease)

		=== libffi tests ===

Running target unix

		=== libffi Summary ===

# of expected passes		1068
# of expected failures		8
# of unsupported tests		8
		=== libgomp tests ===

Running target unix
FAIL: libgomp.c++/pr30703.C  -O0  (test for excess errors)
WARNING: libgomp.c++/pr30703.C  -O0  compilation failed to produce executable
FAIL: libgomp.c++/pr30703.C  -O1  (test for excess errors)
WARNING: libgomp.c++/pr30703.C  -O1  compilation failed to produce executable
FAIL: libgomp.c++/pr30703.C  -O2  (test for excess errors)
WARNING: libgomp.c++/pr30703.C  -O2  compilation failed to produce executable
FAIL: libgomp.c++/pr30703.C  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer  (test for excess errors)
WARNING: libgomp.c++/pr30703.C  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer  compilation failed to produce executable
FAIL: libgomp.c++/pr30703.C  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops  (test for excess errors)
WARNING: libgomp.c++/pr30703.C  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops  compilation failed to produce executable
FAIL: libgomp.c++/pr30703.C  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-all-loops -finline-functions  (test for excess errors)
WARNING: libgomp.c++/pr30703.C  -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-all-loops -finline-functions  compilation failed to produce executable
FAIL: libgomp.c++/pr30703.C  -O3 -g  (test for excess errors)
WARNING: libgomp.c++/pr30703.C  -O3 -g  compilation failed to produce executable
FAIL: libgomp.c++/pr30703.C  -Os  (test for excess errors)
WARNING: libgomp.c++/pr30703.C  -Os  compilation failed to produce executable

		=== libgomp Summary ===

# of expected passes		1330
# of unexpected failures	8
# of unsupported tests		111
		=== libjava tests ===

Running target unix
FAIL: compilation
FAIL: compilation
FAIL: compilation
ERROR: tcl error sourcing /sw/src/
ERROR: can't read "x": no such variable
FAIL: compilation
FAIL: compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program ArrayStore
UNRESOLVED: ArrayStore byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program ArrayStore
UNRESOLVED: ArrayStore -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program ArrayStore
UNRESOLVED: ArrayStore byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program ArrayStore
UNRESOLVED: ArrayStore2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program ArrayStore2
UNRESOLVED: ArrayStore2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program ArrayStore2
UNRESOLVED: ArrayStore2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program ArrayStore2
UNRESOLVED: ArrayStore2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program ArrayStore2
UNRESOLVED: Array_1 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Array_1
UNRESOLVED: Array_1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Array_1
UNRESOLVED: Array_1 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Array_1
UNRESOLVED: Array_1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Array_1
UNRESOLVED: Array_2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Array_2
UNRESOLVED: Array_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Array_2
UNRESOLVED: Array_2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Array_2
UNRESOLVED: Array_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Array_2
UNRESOLVED: Array_3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Array_3
UNRESOLVED: Array_3 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Array_3
UNRESOLVED: Array_3 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Array_3
UNRESOLVED: Array_3 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Array_3
UNRESOLVED: Class_1 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Class_1
UNRESOLVED: Class_1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Class_1
UNRESOLVED: Class_1 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Class_1
UNRESOLVED: Class_1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Class_1
UNRESOLVED: CompareNaN compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program CompareNaN
UNRESOLVED: CompareNaN byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program CompareNaN
UNRESOLVED: CompareNaN -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program CompareNaN
UNRESOLVED: CompareNaN byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program CompareNaN
UNRESOLVED: Divide_1 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Divide_1
UNRESOLVED: Divide_1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Divide_1
UNRESOLVED: Divide_1 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Divide_1
UNRESOLVED: Divide_1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Divide_1
UNRESOLVED: EvaluationOrder compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program EvaluationOrder
UNRESOLVED: EvaluationOrder byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program EvaluationOrder
UNRESOLVED: EvaluationOrder -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program EvaluationOrder
UNRESOLVED: EvaluationOrder byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program EvaluationOrder
UNRESOLVED: ExtraClassLoader compilation from source
FAIL: ExtraClassLoader output - source compiled test
ERROR: No \`main' given in program ExtraClassLoader
UNRESOLVED: ExtraClassLoader byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program ExtraClassLoader
UNRESOLVED: ExtraClassLoader -O3 compilation from source
FAIL: ExtraClassLoader -O3 output - source compiled test
ERROR: No \`main' given in program ExtraClassLoader
UNRESOLVED: ExtraClassLoader byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program ExtraClassLoader
UNRESOLVED: FileHandleGcTest compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program FileHandleGcTest
UNRESOLVED: FileHandleGcTest byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program FileHandleGcTest
UNRESOLVED: FileHandleGcTest -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program FileHandleGcTest
UNRESOLVED: FileHandleGcTest byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program FileHandleGcTest
UNRESOLVED: Final compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Final
UNRESOLVED: Final byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Final
UNRESOLVED: Final -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Final
UNRESOLVED: Final byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Final
UNRESOLVED: Float_1 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Float_1
UNRESOLVED: Float_1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Float_1
UNRESOLVED: Float_1 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Float_1
UNRESOLVED: Float_1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Float_1
UNRESOLVED: Float_2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Float_2
UNRESOLVED: Float_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Float_2
UNRESOLVED: Float_2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Float_2
UNRESOLVED: Float_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Float_2
UNRESOLVED: G19990301_01 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990301_01
UNRESOLVED: G19990301_01 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990301_01
UNRESOLVED: G19990301_01 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990301_01
UNRESOLVED: G19990301_01 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990301_01
UNRESOLVED: G19990302_02 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990302_02
UNRESOLVED: G19990302_02 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990302_02
UNRESOLVED: G19990302_02 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990302_02
UNRESOLVED: G19990302_02 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990302_02
UNRESOLVED: G19990303_01 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990303_01
UNRESOLVED: G19990303_01 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990303_01
UNRESOLVED: G19990303_01 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990303_01
UNRESOLVED: G19990303_01 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990303_01
UNRESOLVED: G19990303_02 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990303_02
UNRESOLVED: G19990303_02 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990303_02
UNRESOLVED: G19990303_02 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990303_02
UNRESOLVED: G19990303_02 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990303_02
UNRESOLVED: G19990304_01 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990304_01
UNRESOLVED: G19990304_01 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990304_01
UNRESOLVED: G19990304_01 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990304_01
UNRESOLVED: G19990304_01 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990304_01
UNRESOLVED: G19990310_01 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990310_01
UNRESOLVED: G19990310_01 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990310_01
UNRESOLVED: G19990310_01 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990310_01
UNRESOLVED: G19990310_01 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program G19990310_01
UNRESOLVED: II compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program II
UNRESOLVED: II byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program II
UNRESOLVED: II -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program II
UNRESOLVED: II byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program II
UNRESOLVED: InterfaceDispatch compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program InterfaceDispatch
UNRESOLVED: InterfaceDispatch byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program InterfaceDispatch
UNRESOLVED: InterfaceDispatch -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program InterfaceDispatch
UNRESOLVED: InterfaceDispatch byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program InterfaceDispatch
UNRESOLVED: InvokeInterface compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program InvokeInterface
UNRESOLVED: InvokeInterface byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program InvokeInterface
UNRESOLVED: InvokeInterface -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program InvokeInterface
UNRESOLVED: InvokeInterface byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program InvokeInterface
UNRESOLVED: InvokeReturn compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program InvokeReturn
UNRESOLVED: InvokeReturn byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program InvokeReturn
UNRESOLVED: InvokeReturn -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program InvokeReturn
UNRESOLVED: InvokeReturn byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program InvokeReturn
UNRESOLVED: Invoke_1 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Invoke_1
UNRESOLVED: Invoke_1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Invoke_1
UNRESOLVED: Invoke_1 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Invoke_1
UNRESOLVED: Invoke_1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Invoke_1
UNRESOLVED: Invoke_2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Invoke_2
UNRESOLVED: Invoke_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Invoke_2
UNRESOLVED: Invoke_2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Invoke_2
UNRESOLVED: Invoke_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Invoke_2
UNRESOLVED: KeepInline compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program KeepInline
UNRESOLVED: KeepInline byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program KeepInline
UNRESOLVED: KeepInline -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program KeepInline
UNRESOLVED: KeepInline byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program KeepInline
UNRESOLVED: LargeFile compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program LargeFile
UNRESOLVED: LargeFile byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program LargeFile
UNRESOLVED: LargeFile -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program LargeFile
UNRESOLVED: LargeFile byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program LargeFile
UNRESOLVED: MathBuiltin compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program MathBuiltin
UNRESOLVED: MathBuiltin byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program MathBuiltin
UNRESOLVED: MathBuiltin -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program MathBuiltin
UNRESOLVED: MathBuiltin byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program MathBuiltin
UNRESOLVED: Matrix4f compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Matrix4f
UNRESOLVED: Matrix4f byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Matrix4f
UNRESOLVED: Matrix4f -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Matrix4f
UNRESOLVED: Matrix4f byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Matrix4f
UNRESOLVED: N19990310_02 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program N19990310_02
UNRESOLVED: N19990310_02 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program N19990310_02
UNRESOLVED: N19990310_02 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program N19990310_02
UNRESOLVED: N19990310_02 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program N19990310_02
UNRESOLVED: N19990310_3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program N19990310_3
UNRESOLVED: N19990310_3 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program N19990310_3
UNRESOLVED: N19990310_3 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program N19990310_3
UNRESOLVED: N19990310_3 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program N19990310_3
UNRESOLVED: N19990310_4 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program N19990310_4
UNRESOLVED: N19990310_4 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program N19990310_4
UNRESOLVED: N19990310_4 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program N19990310_4
UNRESOLVED: N19990310_4 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program N19990310_4
UNRESOLVED: N19990310_5 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program N19990310_5
UNRESOLVED: N19990310_5 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program N19990310_5
UNRESOLVED: N19990310_5 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program N19990310_5
UNRESOLVED: N19990310_5 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program N19990310_5
UNRESOLVED: Overflow compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Overflow
UNRESOLVED: Overflow byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Overflow
UNRESOLVED: Overflow -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Overflow
UNRESOLVED: Overflow byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Overflow
UNRESOLVED: PR12350 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR12350
UNRESOLVED: PR12350 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR12350
UNRESOLVED: PR12350 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR12350
UNRESOLVED: PR12350 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR12350
UNRESOLVED: PR12416 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR12416
UNRESOLVED: PR12416 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR12416
UNRESOLVED: PR12416 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR12416
UNRESOLVED: PR12416 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR12416
UNRESOLVED: PR12656 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR12656
UNRESOLVED: PR12656 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR12656
UNRESOLVED: PR12656 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR12656
UNRESOLVED: PR12656 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR12656
UNRESOLVED: PR12915 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR12915
UNRESOLVED: PR12915 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR12915
UNRESOLVED: PR12915 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR12915
UNRESOLVED: PR12915 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR12915
UNRESOLVED: PR141 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR141
UNRESOLVED: PR141 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR141
UNRESOLVED: PR141 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR141
UNRESOLVED: PR141 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR141
UNRESOLVED: PR160 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR160
UNRESOLVED: PR160 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR160
UNRESOLVED: PR160 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR160
UNRESOLVED: PR160 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR160
UNRESOLVED: PR162 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR162
UNRESOLVED: PR162 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR162
UNRESOLVED: PR162 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR162
UNRESOLVED: PR162 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR162
UNRESOLVED: PR16867 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR16867
UNRESOLVED: PR16867 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR16867
UNRESOLVED: PR16867 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR16867
UNRESOLVED: PR16867 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR16867
UNRESOLVED: PR18699 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR18699
UNRESOLVED: PR18699 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR18699
UNRESOLVED: PR18699 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR18699
UNRESOLVED: PR18699 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR18699
UNRESOLVED: PR19870 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR19870
UNRESOLVED: PR19870 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR19870
UNRESOLVED: PR19870 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR19870
UNRESOLVED: PR19870 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR19870
UNRESOLVED: PR19870_2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR19870_2
UNRESOLVED: PR19870_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR19870_2
UNRESOLVED: PR19870_2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR19870_2
UNRESOLVED: PR19870_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR19870_2
UNRESOLVED: PR19921 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR19921
UNRESOLVED: PR19921 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR19921
UNRESOLVED: PR19921 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR19921
UNRESOLVED: PR19921 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR19921
UNRESOLVED: PR20056 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR20056
UNRESOLVED: PR20056 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR20056
UNRESOLVED: PR20056 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR20056
UNRESOLVED: PR20056 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR20056
UNRESOLVED: PR218 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR218
UNRESOLVED: PR218 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR218
UNRESOLVED: PR218 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR218
UNRESOLVED: PR218 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR218
UNRESOLVED: PR242 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR242
UNRESOLVED: PR242 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR242
UNRESOLVED: PR242 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR242
UNRESOLVED: PR242 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR242
UNRESOLVED: PR25535 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR25535
UNRESOLVED: PR25535 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR25535
UNRESOLVED: PR25535 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR25535
UNRESOLVED: PR25535 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR25535
UNRESOLVED: PR260 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR260
UNRESOLVED: PR260 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR260
UNRESOLVED: PR260 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR260
UNRESOLVED: PR260 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR260
UNRESOLVED: PR26858 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR26858
UNRESOLVED: PR26858 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR26858
UNRESOLVED: PR26858 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR26858
UNRESOLVED: PR26858 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR26858
UNRESOLVED: PR27908 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR27908
UNRESOLVED: PR27908 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR27908
UNRESOLVED: PR27908 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR27908
UNRESOLVED: PR27908 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR27908
UNRESOLVED: PR29013 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR29013
UNRESOLVED: PR29013 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR29013
UNRESOLVED: PR29013 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR29013
UNRESOLVED: PR29013 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR29013
UNRESOLVED: PR3096 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR3096
UNRESOLVED: PR3096 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR3096
UNRESOLVED: PR3096 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR3096
UNRESOLVED: PR3096 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR3096
UNRESOLVED: PR3731 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR3731
UNRESOLVED: PR3731 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR3731
UNRESOLVED: PR3731 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR3731
UNRESOLVED: PR3731 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR3731
UNRESOLVED: PR5057 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR5057
UNRESOLVED: PR5057 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR5057
UNRESOLVED: PR5057 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR5057
UNRESOLVED: PR5057 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR5057
UNRESOLVED: PR5057_2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR5057_2
UNRESOLVED: PR5057_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR5057_2
UNRESOLVED: PR5057_2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR5057_2
UNRESOLVED: PR5057_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR5057_2
UNRESOLVED: PR55 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR55
UNRESOLVED: PR55 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR55
UNRESOLVED: PR55 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR55
UNRESOLVED: PR55 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR55
UNRESOLVED: PR56 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR56
UNRESOLVED: PR56 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR56
UNRESOLVED: PR56 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR56
UNRESOLVED: PR56 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR56
UNRESOLVED: PR6085 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR6085
UNRESOLVED: PR6085 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR6085
UNRESOLVED: PR6085 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR6085
UNRESOLVED: PR6085 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR6085
UNRESOLVED: PR6204 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR6204
UNRESOLVED: PR6204 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR6204
UNRESOLVED: PR6204 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR6204
UNRESOLVED: PR6204 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR6204
UNRESOLVED: PR6729 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR6729
UNRESOLVED: PR6729 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR6729
UNRESOLVED: PR6729 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR6729
UNRESOLVED: PR6729 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR6729
UNRESOLVED: PR6820 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR6820
UNRESOLVED: PR6820 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR6820
UNRESOLVED: PR6820 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR6820
UNRESOLVED: PR6820 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR6820
UNRESOLVED: PR7482 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR7482
UNRESOLVED: PR7482 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR7482
UNRESOLVED: PR7482 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR7482
UNRESOLVED: PR7482 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program PR7482
UNRESOLVED: Process_1 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_1
UNRESOLVED: Process_1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_1
UNRESOLVED: Process_1 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_1
UNRESOLVED: Process_1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_1
UNRESOLVED: Process_2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_2
UNRESOLVED: Process_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_2
UNRESOLVED: Process_2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_2
UNRESOLVED: Process_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_2
UNRESOLVED: Process_3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_3
UNRESOLVED: Process_3 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_3
UNRESOLVED: Process_3 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_3
UNRESOLVED: Process_3 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_3
UNRESOLVED: Process_4 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_4
UNRESOLVED: Process_4 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_4
UNRESOLVED: Process_4 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_4
UNRESOLVED: Process_4 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_4
UNRESOLVED: Process_5 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_5
UNRESOLVED: Process_5 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_5
UNRESOLVED: Process_5 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_5
UNRESOLVED: Process_5 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_5
UNRESOLVED: Process_6 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_6
UNRESOLVED: Process_6 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_6
UNRESOLVED: Process_6 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_6
UNRESOLVED: Process_6 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Process_6
UNRESOLVED: RH194522 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program RH194522
UNRESOLVED: RH194522 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program RH194522
UNRESOLVED: RH194522 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program RH194522
UNRESOLVED: RH194522 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program RH194522
UNRESOLVED: Serialization compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Serialization
UNRESOLVED: Serialization byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Serialization
UNRESOLVED: Serialization -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Serialization
UNRESOLVED: Serialization byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Serialization
UNRESOLVED: Shazam compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Shazam
UNRESOLVED: Shazam byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Shazam
UNRESOLVED: Shazam -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Shazam
UNRESOLVED: Shazam byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Shazam
UNRESOLVED: StackTrace2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program StackTrace2
UNRESOLVED: StackTrace2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program StackTrace2
UNRESOLVED: StackTrace2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program StackTrace2
UNRESOLVED: StackTrace2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program StackTrace2
UNRESOLVED: StaticConstructor compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program StaticConstructor
UNRESOLVED: StaticConstructor byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program StaticConstructor
UNRESOLVED: StaticConstructor -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program StaticConstructor
UNRESOLVED: StaticConstructor byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program StaticConstructor
UNRESOLVED: StringBuffer_1 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program StringBuffer_1
UNRESOLVED: StringBuffer_1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program StringBuffer_1
UNRESOLVED: StringBuffer_1 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program StringBuffer_1
UNRESOLVED: StringBuffer_1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program StringBuffer_1
UNRESOLVED: StringBuffer_overflow compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program StringBuffer_overflow
UNRESOLVED: StringBuffer_overflow byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program StringBuffer_overflow
UNRESOLVED: StringBuffer_overflow -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program StringBuffer_overflow
UNRESOLVED: StringBuffer_overflow byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program StringBuffer_overflow
UNRESOLVED: String_overflow compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program String_overflow
UNRESOLVED: String_overflow byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program String_overflow
UNRESOLVED: String_overflow -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program String_overflow
UNRESOLVED: String_overflow byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program String_overflow
UNRESOLVED: SyncGlobal compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program SyncGlobal
UNRESOLVED: SyncGlobal byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program SyncGlobal
UNRESOLVED: SyncGlobal -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program SyncGlobal
UNRESOLVED: SyncGlobal byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program SyncGlobal
UNRESOLVED: SyncTest compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program SyncTest
UNRESOLVED: SyncTest byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program SyncTest
UNRESOLVED: SyncTest -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program SyncTest
UNRESOLVED: SyncTest byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program SyncTest
UNRESOLVED: Synch compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Synch
UNRESOLVED: Synch byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Synch
UNRESOLVED: Synch -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Synch
UNRESOLVED: Synch byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Synch
UNRESOLVED: TLtest compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program TLtest
UNRESOLVED: TLtest byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program TLtest
UNRESOLVED: TLtest -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program TLtest
UNRESOLVED: TLtest byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program TLtest
UNRESOLVED: TestProxy compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program TestProxy
UNRESOLVED: TestProxy byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program TestProxy
UNRESOLVED: TestProxy -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program TestProxy
UNRESOLVED: TestProxy byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program TestProxy
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Alive compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Alive
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Alive byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Alive
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Alive -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Alive
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Alive byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Alive
UNRESOLVED: Thread_HoldsLock compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_HoldsLock
UNRESOLVED: Thread_HoldsLock byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_HoldsLock
UNRESOLVED: Thread_HoldsLock -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_HoldsLock
UNRESOLVED: Thread_HoldsLock byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_HoldsLock
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Interrupt compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Interrupt
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Interrupt byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Interrupt
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Interrupt -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Interrupt
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Interrupt byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Interrupt
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Join compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Join
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Join byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Join
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Join -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Join
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Join byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Join
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Monitor compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Monitor
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Monitor byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Monitor
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Monitor -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Monitor
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Monitor byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Monitor
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Sleep compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Sleep
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Sleep byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Sleep
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Sleep -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Sleep
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Sleep byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Sleep
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Sleep_2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Sleep_2
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Sleep_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Sleep_2
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Sleep_2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Sleep_2
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Sleep_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Sleep_2
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Wait compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Wait
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Wait byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Wait
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Wait -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Wait
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Wait byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Wait
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Wait_2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Wait_2
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Wait_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Wait_2
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Wait_2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Wait_2
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Wait_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Wait_2
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Wait_Interrupt compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Wait_Interrupt
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Wait_Interrupt byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Wait_Interrupt
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Wait_Interrupt -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Wait_Interrupt
UNRESOLVED: Thread_Wait_Interrupt byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Thread_Wait_Interrupt
UNRESOLVED: Throw_1 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Throw_1
UNRESOLVED: Throw_1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Throw_1
UNRESOLVED: Throw_1 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Throw_1
UNRESOLVED: Throw_1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Throw_1
UNRESOLVED: Throw_2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Throw_2
UNRESOLVED: Throw_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Throw_2
UNRESOLVED: Throw_2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Throw_2
UNRESOLVED: Throw_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program Throw_2
UNRESOLVED: anfi compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anfi
UNRESOLVED: anfi byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anfi
UNRESOLVED: anfi -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anfi
UNRESOLVED: anfi byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anfi
UNRESOLVED: anon compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon
UNRESOLVED: anon byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon
UNRESOLVED: anon -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon
UNRESOLVED: anon byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon
UNRESOLVED: anon2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon2
UNRESOLVED: anon2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon2
UNRESOLVED: anon2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon2
UNRESOLVED: anon2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon2
UNRESOLVED: anon3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon3
UNRESOLVED: anon3 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon3
UNRESOLVED: anon3 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon3
UNRESOLVED: anon3 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon3
UNRESOLVED: anon4 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon4
UNRESOLVED: anon4 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon4
UNRESOLVED: anon4 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon4
UNRESOLVED: anon4 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon4
UNRESOLVED: anon_ctor_itf_arg compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon_ctor_itf_arg
UNRESOLVED: anon_ctor_itf_arg byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon_ctor_itf_arg
UNRESOLVED: anon_ctor_itf_arg -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon_ctor_itf_arg
UNRESOLVED: anon_ctor_itf_arg byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anon_ctor_itf_arg
UNRESOLVED: anonarray compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anonarray
UNRESOLVED: anonarray byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anonarray
UNRESOLVED: anonarray -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anonarray
UNRESOLVED: anonarray byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anonarray
UNRESOLVED: anonarray2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anonarray2
UNRESOLVED: anonarray2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anonarray2
UNRESOLVED: anonarray2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anonarray2
UNRESOLVED: anonarray2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anonarray2
UNRESOLVED: anonarray3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anonarray3
UNRESOLVED: anonarray3 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anonarray3
UNRESOLVED: anonarray3 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anonarray3
UNRESOLVED: anonarray3 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program anonarray3
UNRESOLVED: assign compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program assign
UNRESOLVED: assign byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program assign
UNRESOLVED: assign -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program assign
UNRESOLVED: assign byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program assign
UNRESOLVED: assign2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program assign2
UNRESOLVED: assign2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program assign2
UNRESOLVED: assign2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program assign2
UNRESOLVED: assign2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program assign2
UNRESOLVED: bclink compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program bclink
UNRESOLVED: bclink byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program bclink
UNRESOLVED: bclink -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program bclink
UNRESOLVED: bclink byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program bclink
UNRESOLVED: bytearray compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program bytearray
UNRESOLVED: bytearray byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program bytearray
UNRESOLVED: bytearray -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program bytearray
UNRESOLVED: bytearray byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program bytearray
UNRESOLVED: direct_read compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program direct_read
UNRESOLVED: direct_read byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program direct_read
UNRESOLVED: direct_read -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program direct_read
UNRESOLVED: direct_read byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program direct_read
UNRESOLVED: direct_write compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program direct_write
UNRESOLVED: direct_write byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program direct_write
UNRESOLVED: direct_write -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program direct_write
UNRESOLVED: direct_write byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program direct_write
UNRESOLVED: emptystring compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program emptystring
UNRESOLVED: emptystring byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program emptystring
UNRESOLVED: emptystring -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program emptystring
UNRESOLVED: emptystring byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program emptystring
UNRESOLVED: err1 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err1
UNRESOLVED: err1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err1
UNRESOLVED: err1 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err1
UNRESOLVED: err1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err1
UNRESOLVED: err10 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err10
UNRESOLVED: err10 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err10
UNRESOLVED: err10 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err10
UNRESOLVED: err10 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err10
UNRESOLVED: err11 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err11
UNRESOLVED: err11 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err11
UNRESOLVED: err11 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err11
UNRESOLVED: err11 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err11
UNRESOLVED: err12 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err12
UNRESOLVED: err12 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err12
UNRESOLVED: err12 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err12
UNRESOLVED: err12 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err12
UNRESOLVED: err13 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err13
UNRESOLVED: err13 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err13
UNRESOLVED: err13 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err13
UNRESOLVED: err13 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err13
UNRESOLVED: err14 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err14
UNRESOLVED: err14 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err14
UNRESOLVED: err14 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err14
UNRESOLVED: err14 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err14
UNRESOLVED: err2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err2
UNRESOLVED: err2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err2
UNRESOLVED: err2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err2
UNRESOLVED: err2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err2
UNRESOLVED: err3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err3
UNRESOLVED: err3 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err3
UNRESOLVED: err3 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err3
UNRESOLVED: err3 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err3
UNRESOLVED: err4 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err4
UNRESOLVED: err4 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err4
UNRESOLVED: err4 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err4
UNRESOLVED: err4 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err4
UNRESOLVED: err5 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err5
UNRESOLVED: err5 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err5
UNRESOLVED: err5 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err5
UNRESOLVED: err5 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err5
UNRESOLVED: err6 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err6
UNRESOLVED: err6 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err6
UNRESOLVED: err6 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err6
UNRESOLVED: err6 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err6
UNRESOLVED: err7 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err7
UNRESOLVED: err7 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err7
UNRESOLVED: err7 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err7
UNRESOLVED: err7 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err7
UNRESOLVED: err8 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err8
UNRESOLVED: err8 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err8
UNRESOLVED: err8 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err8
UNRESOLVED: err8 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err8
UNRESOLVED: err9 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err9
UNRESOLVED: err9 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err9
UNRESOLVED: err9 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err9
UNRESOLVED: err9 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program err9
UNRESOLVED: final_inner compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program final_inner
UNRESOLVED: final_inner byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program final_inner
UNRESOLVED: final_inner -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program final_inner
UNRESOLVED: final_inner byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program final_inner
UNRESOLVED: final_int compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program final_int
UNRESOLVED: final_int byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program final_int
UNRESOLVED: final_int -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program final_int
UNRESOLVED: final_int byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program final_int
UNRESOLVED: final_static_and_friend compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program final_static_and_friend
UNRESOLVED: final_static_and_friend byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program final_static_and_friend
UNRESOLVED: final_static_and_friend -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program final_static_and_friend
UNRESOLVED: final_static_and_friend byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program final_static_and_friend
UNRESOLVED: indirect compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program indirect
UNRESOLVED: indirect byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program indirect
UNRESOLVED: indirect -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program indirect
UNRESOLVED: indirect byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program indirect
UNRESOLVED: indirect_read compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program indirect_read
UNRESOLVED: indirect_read byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program indirect_read
UNRESOLVED: indirect_read -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program indirect_read
UNRESOLVED: indirect_read byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program indirect_read
UNRESOLVED: indirect_write compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program indirect_write
UNRESOLVED: indirect_write byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program indirect_write
UNRESOLVED: indirect_write -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program indirect_write
UNRESOLVED: indirect_write byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program indirect_write
UNRESOLVED: initexc compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program initexc
UNRESOLVED: initexc byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program initexc
UNRESOLVED: initexc -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program initexc
UNRESOLVED: initexc byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program initexc
UNRESOLVED: initfield compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program initfield
UNRESOLVED: initfield byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program initfield
UNRESOLVED: initfield -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program initfield
UNRESOLVED: initfield byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program initfield
UNRESOLVED: inline compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inline
UNRESOLVED: inline byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inline
UNRESOLVED: inline -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inline
UNRESOLVED: inline byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inline
UNRESOLVED: inner1 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner1
UNRESOLVED: inner1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner1
UNRESOLVED: inner1 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner1
UNRESOLVED: inner1 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner1
UNRESOLVED: inner2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner2
UNRESOLVED: inner2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner2
UNRESOLVED: inner2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner2
UNRESOLVED: inner2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner2
UNRESOLVED: inner3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner3
UNRESOLVED: inner3 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner3
UNRESOLVED: inner3 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner3
UNRESOLVED: inner3 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner3
UNRESOLVED: inner4 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner4
UNRESOLVED: inner4 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner4
UNRESOLVED: inner4 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner4
UNRESOLVED: inner4 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner4
UNRESOLVED: inner_array compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner_array
UNRESOLVED: inner_array byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner_array
UNRESOLVED: inner_array -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner_array
UNRESOLVED: inner_array byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner_array
UNRESOLVED: inner_interface compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner_interface
UNRESOLVED: inner_interface byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner_interface
UNRESOLVED: inner_interface -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner_interface
UNRESOLVED: inner_interface byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program inner_interface
UNRESOLVED: instance compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program instance
UNRESOLVED: instance byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program instance
UNRESOLVED: instance -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program instance
UNRESOLVED: instance byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program instance
UNRESOLVED: instinit compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program instinit
UNRESOLVED: instinit byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program instinit
UNRESOLVED: instinit -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program instinit
UNRESOLVED: instinit byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program instinit
UNRESOLVED: instinit2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program instinit2
UNRESOLVED: instinit2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program instinit2
UNRESOLVED: instinit2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program instinit2
UNRESOLVED: instinit2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program instinit2
UNRESOLVED: invoke_from_inner compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program invoke_from_inner
UNRESOLVED: invoke_from_inner byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program invoke_from_inner
UNRESOLVED: invoke_from_inner -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program invoke_from_inner
UNRESOLVED: invoke_from_inner byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program invoke_from_inner
UNRESOLVED: invokethrow compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program invokethrow
UNRESOLVED: invokethrow byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program invokethrow
UNRESOLVED: invokethrow -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program invokethrow
UNRESOLVED: invokethrow byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program invokethrow
UNRESOLVED: klass compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program klass
UNRESOLVED: klass byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program klass
UNRESOLVED: klass -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program klass
UNRESOLVED: klass byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program klass
UNRESOLVED: md5test compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program md5test
UNRESOLVED: md5test byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program md5test
UNRESOLVED: md5test -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program md5test
UNRESOLVED: md5test byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program md5test
UNRESOLVED: multiple_finit compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program multiple_finit
UNRESOLVED: multiple_finit byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program multiple_finit
UNRESOLVED: multiple_finit -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program multiple_finit
UNRESOLVED: multiple_finit byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program multiple_finit
UNRESOLVED: negzero compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program negzero
UNRESOLVED: negzero byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program negzero
UNRESOLVED: negzero -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program negzero
UNRESOLVED: negzero byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program negzero
UNRESOLVED: nested_with_ctor compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program nested_with_ctor
UNRESOLVED: nested_with_ctor byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program nested_with_ctor
UNRESOLVED: nested_with_ctor -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program nested_with_ctor
UNRESOLVED: nested_with_ctor byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program nested_with_ctor
UNRESOLVED: newarray_overflow compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program newarray_overflow
UNRESOLVED: newarray_overflow byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program newarray_overflow
UNRESOLVED: newarray_overflow -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program newarray_overflow
UNRESOLVED: newarray_overflow byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program newarray_overflow
UNRESOLVED: override compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program override
UNRESOLVED: override byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program override
UNRESOLVED: override -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program override
UNRESOLVED: override byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program override
UNRESOLVED: pr109 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr109
UNRESOLVED: pr109 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr109
UNRESOLVED: pr109 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr109
UNRESOLVED: pr109 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr109
UNRESOLVED: pr13107 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr13107
UNRESOLVED: pr13107 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr13107
UNRESOLVED: pr13107 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr13107
UNRESOLVED: pr13107 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr13107
UNRESOLVED: pr13107_2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr13107_2
UNRESOLVED: pr13107_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr13107_2
UNRESOLVED: pr13107_2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr13107_2
UNRESOLVED: pr13107_2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr13107_2
UNRESOLVED: pr13107_3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr13107_3
UNRESOLVED: pr13107_3 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr13107_3
UNRESOLVED: pr13107_3 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr13107_3
UNRESOLVED: pr13107_3 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr13107_3
UNRESOLVED: pr133 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr133
UNRESOLVED: pr133 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr133
UNRESOLVED: pr133 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr133
UNRESOLVED: pr133 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr133
UNRESOLVED: pr16789 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr16789
UNRESOLVED: pr16789 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr16789
UNRESOLVED: pr16789 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr16789
UNRESOLVED: pr16789 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr16789
UNRESOLVED: pr17536 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr17536
UNRESOLVED: pr17536 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr17536
UNRESOLVED: pr17536 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr17536
UNRESOLVED: pr17536 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr17536
UNRESOLVED: pr179 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr179
UNRESOLVED: pr179 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr179
UNRESOLVED: pr179 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr179
UNRESOLVED: pr179 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr179
UNRESOLVED: pr184 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr184
UNRESOLVED: pr184 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr184
UNRESOLVED: pr184 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr184
UNRESOLVED: pr184 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr184
UNRESOLVED: pr21785 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr21785
UNRESOLVED: pr21785 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr21785
UNRESOLVED: pr21785 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr21785
UNRESOLVED: pr21785 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr21785
UNRESOLVED: pr21844 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr21844
UNRESOLVED: pr21844 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr21844
UNRESOLVED: pr21844 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr21844
UNRESOLVED: pr21844 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr21844
UNRESOLVED: pr24321 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr24321
UNRESOLVED: pr24321 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr24321
UNRESOLVED: pr24321 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr24321
UNRESOLVED: pr24321 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr24321
UNRESOLVED: pr25676 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr25676
UNRESOLVED: pr25676 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr25676
UNRESOLVED: pr25676 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr25676
UNRESOLVED: pr25676 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr25676
UNRESOLVED: pr26390 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr26390
UNRESOLVED: pr26390 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr26390
UNRESOLVED: pr26390 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr26390
UNRESOLVED: pr26390 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr26390
UNRESOLVED: pr26990 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr26990
UNRESOLVED: pr26990 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr26990
UNRESOLVED: pr26990 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr26990
UNRESOLVED: pr26990 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr26990
UNRESOLVED: pr27171 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr27171
UNRESOLVED: pr27171 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr27171
UNRESOLVED: pr27171 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr27171
UNRESOLVED: pr27171 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr27171
UNRESOLVED: pr6388 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr6388
UNRESOLVED: pr6388 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr6388
UNRESOLVED: pr6388 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr6388
UNRESOLVED: pr6388 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr6388
UNRESOLVED: pr83 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr83
UNRESOLVED: pr83 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr83
UNRESOLVED: pr83 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr83
UNRESOLVED: pr83 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr83
UNRESOLVED: pr8415 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr8415
UNRESOLVED: pr8415 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr8415
UNRESOLVED: pr8415 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr8415
UNRESOLVED: pr8415 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr8415
UNRESOLVED: pr8676 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr8676
UNRESOLVED: pr8676 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr8676
UNRESOLVED: pr8676 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr8676
UNRESOLVED: pr8676 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr8676
UNRESOLVED: pr8823 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr8823
UNRESOLVED: pr8823 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr8823
UNRESOLVED: pr8823 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr8823
UNRESOLVED: pr8823 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr8823
UNRESOLVED: pr8945 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr8945
UNRESOLVED: pr8945 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr8945
UNRESOLVED: pr8945 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr8945
UNRESOLVED: pr8945 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program pr8945
UNRESOLVED: private_direct_read compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program private_direct_read
UNRESOLVED: private_direct_read byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program private_direct_read
UNRESOLVED: private_direct_read -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program private_direct_read
UNRESOLVED: private_direct_read byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program private_direct_read
UNRESOLVED: search_outer compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program search_outer
UNRESOLVED: search_outer byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program search_outer
UNRESOLVED: search_outer -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program search_outer
UNRESOLVED: search_outer byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program search_outer
UNRESOLVED: shatest compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program shatest
UNRESOLVED: shatest byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program shatest
UNRESOLVED: shatest -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program shatest
UNRESOLVED: shatest byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program shatest
UNRESOLVED: stacktrace compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program stacktrace
UNRESOLVED: stacktrace byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program stacktrace
UNRESOLVED: stacktrace -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program stacktrace
UNRESOLVED: stacktrace byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program stacktrace
UNRESOLVED: stringconst compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program stringconst
UNRESOLVED: stringconst byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program stringconst
UNRESOLVED: stringconst -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program stringconst
UNRESOLVED: stringconst byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program stringconst
UNRESOLVED: stringconst2 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program stringconst2
UNRESOLVED: stringconst2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program stringconst2
UNRESOLVED: stringconst2 -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program stringconst2
UNRESOLVED: stringconst2 byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program stringconst2
UNRESOLVED: stub compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program stub
UNRESOLVED: stub byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program stub
UNRESOLVED: stub -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program stub
UNRESOLVED: stub byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program stub
UNRESOLVED: test_long compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program test_long
UNRESOLVED: test_long byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program test_long
UNRESOLVED: test_long -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program test_long
UNRESOLVED: test_long byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program test_long
UNRESOLVED: tmi compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program tmi
UNRESOLVED: tmi byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program tmi
UNRESOLVED: tmi -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program tmi
UNRESOLVED: tmi byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program tmi
UNRESOLVED: tp compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program tp
UNRESOLVED: tp byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program tp
UNRESOLVED: tp -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program tp
UNRESOLVED: tp byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program tp
UNRESOLVED: update_outer compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program update_outer
UNRESOLVED: update_outer byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program update_outer
UNRESOLVED: update_outer -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program update_outer
UNRESOLVED: update_outer byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program update_outer
UNRESOLVED: utf8concat compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program utf8concat
UNRESOLVED: utf8concat byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program utf8concat
UNRESOLVED: utf8concat -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program utf8concat
UNRESOLVED: utf8concat byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program utf8concat
UNRESOLVED: utilTest compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program utilTest
UNRESOLVED: utilTest byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program utilTest
UNRESOLVED: utilTest -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program utilTest
UNRESOLVED: utilTest byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program utilTest
UNRESOLVED: verify compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program verify
UNRESOLVED: verify byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program verify
UNRESOLVED: verify -O3 compilation from source
ERROR: No \`main' given in program verify
UNRESOLVED: verify byte compilation
ERROR: No \`main' given in program verify
UNRESOLVED: bytecompile /sw/src/

		=== libjava Summary ===

# of expected passes		1343
# of unexpected failures	7
# of expected failures		4
# of unresolved testcases	760
		=== libstdc++ tests ===

Running target unix
XPASS: 21_strings/basic_string/element_access/char/ execution test
XPASS: 21_strings/basic_string/element_access/wchar_t/ execution test
XPASS: 26_numerics/cmath/ (test for excess errors)
FAIL: 27_io/ios_base/storage/ execution test
FAIL: ext/mt_allocator/ execution test
FAIL: ext/mt_allocator/ execution test
FAIL: ext/pb_ds/example/ execution test

		=== libstdc++ Summary ===

# of expected passes		3833
# of unexpected failures	4
# of unexpected successes	3
# of expected failures		13
# of unsupported tests		318

Compiler version: 4.2.0 20070430 (prerelease) 
Platform: powerpc-apple-darwin8
configure flags: --prefix=/sw --prefix=/sw/lib/gcc4.2 --mandir=/sw/share/man --infodir=/sw/share/info --host=powerpc-apple-darwin8 --with-gmp=/sw --with-libiconv-prefix=/sw --with-system-zlib --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,java,objc

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