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Re: target/10700: 3.2/3.3: ICE on alpha while building libquicktime

The following reply was made to PR target/10700; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Falk Hueffner <>
Subject: Re: target/10700: 3.2/3.3: ICE on alpha while building libquicktime
Date: 10 May 2003 02:55:32 +0200
 There's some problem with this tree (on ia64):
  <mult_expr 0x2000000000349fb0
     type <integer_type 0x20000000002ec750 int SI
         size <integer_cst 0x20000000002e8930 constant 32>
         unit size <integer_cst 0x20000000002e8a80 constant 4>
         align 32 symtab 0 alias set 3 precision 32 min <integer_cst 0x20000000002e8a20 -2147483648> max <integer_cst 0x20000000002e8a50 2147483647>
         pointer_to_this <pointer_type 0x2000000000316630>>
     arg 0 <truth_or_expr 0x2000000000349f50
         type <integer_type 0x20000000002ec9c0 long unsigned int unsigned DI
             size <integer_cst 0x20000000002e8ab0 constant 64>
             unit size <integer_cst 0x20000000002e8c00 constant 8>
             align 64 symtab 0 alias set -1 precision 64 min <integer_cst 0x20000000002e8c90 0> max <integer_cst 0x20000000002e8cc0 18446744073709551615>>
         arg 0 <eq_expr 0x2000000000349bf0 type <integer_type 0x20000000002ec9c0 long unsigned int>
             arg 0 <parm_decl 0x20000000003852b0 block>
             arg 1 <integer_cst 0x2000000000349bc0 constant 1>>
         arg 1 <eq_expr 0x2000000000349c50 type <integer_type 0x20000000002ec9c0 long unsigned int>
             arg 0 <parm_decl 0x20000000003852b0 block>
             arg 1 <integer_cst 0x2000000000349c20 constant 3>>>
     arg 1 <integer_cst 0x2000000000349b90 type <integer_type 0x20000000002ec750 int> constant 8>>
 expand_mult eventually gets passed (reg:DI XXX) and (const_int 8) and
 doesn't like the result mode being different from arg0's mode. I'm not
 sure whether it is supposed to. Also, shouldn't the type of eq_expr
 and truth_or_expr always be int? Maybe somebody more knowledgeable can
 comment on this...

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