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Re: c++/8821: gcc 3.2 problem with overloaded inherited operator

Synopsis: gcc 3.2 problem with overloaded inherited operator

State-Changed-From-To: open->analyzed
State-Changed-By: bangerth
State-Changed-When: Tue Dec 10 14:28:05 2002
    I can confirm that this problem exists. However, I am
    not sure whether it is really a bug: the operator
    you want to call is simply hidden by the operator
    in the derived class. What I don't know is how lookup
    of member operators happen -- if the same rule applies
    as for virtual functions, then the operator in the base
    class is rightfully hidden; if not, then this is a bug.
    On the other hand, if virtual function semantics apply,
    then a function similar to -Woverloaded-virtual should

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