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c++/477: problem casting member function pointer

>Number:         477
>Category:       c++
>Synopsis:       problem casting member function pointer
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    unassigned
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Aug 16 19:46:01 PDT 2000
>Originator: <Loren Osborn>
>Release:        gcc 2.95.2
Linux/Mandrake 7.0
We are having trouble with gcc with a feature that we
aren't sure if it is ANSI C++ compliant.  As such, we
are unsure if this is a bug in our code, or yours...

We *DO* have a workaround (illustrated below), but
converting our code-base to use the work around would
be a significant task.

So my questions are as follows:

1) Are both of the following ANSI C++ compliant?

2) Should gcc recognize both of these cases as equivilant?

3) Do versions newer than 2.95.2 support this?

All help is very greatly appreciated.

Thank you, 

class Foo {

class Bar: public Foo {
	int my_func(int);
	int func(int);

int Bar::func(int num) {
	return num;

typedef int (Foo::*func_ptr)(int);

int use_func( Foo *my_foo, func_ptr func_arg, int val ) {
	return (my_foo->*func_arg)(val);

int Bar::my_func ( int my_val ) {
#ifdef WORK
	return use_func( this, (func_ptr) &Bar::func, my_val );
	return use_func( this, (func_ptr) func, my_val );



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