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[PATCH 2/3] Add simplify rules for wrapped binary operations.

We would like to simplify code like
 (larger_type)(var + const1) + const2
 (larger_type)(var + combined_const1_const2)
when we know that no overflow happens.
 gcc/match.pd | 101 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 101 insertions(+)

diff --git a/gcc/match.pd b/gcc/match.pd
index 0317bc704f7..94400529ad8 100644
--- a/gcc/match.pd
+++ b/gcc/match.pd
@@ -2020,6 +2020,107 @@ DEFINE_INT_AND_FLOAT_ROUND_FN (RINT)
     (if (cst && !TREE_OVERFLOW (cst))
      (plus { cst; } @0))))
+/* ((T)(A + CST1)) + CST2 -> (T)(A) + CST  */
+  (simplify
+    (plus (convert (plus @0 INTEGER_CST@1)) INTEGER_CST@2)
+      (if (INTEGRAL_TYPE_P (type)
+           && TYPE_PRECISION (type) > TYPE_PRECISION (TREE_TYPE (@0)))
+       /* We actually want to perform two simplifications here:
+	  (1) (T)(A + CST1) + CST2  --> (T)(A) + (T)(CST1)
+	      If for (A + CST1) we either do not care about overflow (e.g.
+	      for a signed inner type) or the overflow is ok for an unsigned
+	      inner type.
+	  (2) (T)(A) + (T)(CST1) + CST2 --> (T)(A) + (T)(CST1 + CST2)
+	      If (CST1 + CST2) does not overflow and we do care about overflow
+	      (for a signed outer type) or we do not care about overflow in an
+	      unsigned outer type.  */
+       (with
+       {
+         tree inner_type = TREE_TYPE (@0);
+         wide_int wmin0, wmax0;
+         wide_int cst1 = wi::to_wide (@1);
+	 wi::overflow_type min_ovf = wi::OVF_OVERFLOW,
+			   max_ovf = wi::OVF_OVERFLOW;
+	 /* Get overflow behavior.  */
+         bool ovf_undef_inner = TYPE_OVERFLOW_UNDEFINED (inner_type);
+         bool ovf_undef_outer = TYPE_OVERFLOW_UNDEFINED (type);
+	 /* Get value range of A.  */
+         enum value_range_kind vr0 = get_range_info (@0, &wmin0, &wmax0);
+	 /* If we have a proper range, determine min and max overflow
+	    of (A + CST1).
+	    ??? We might also want to handle anti ranges.  */
+	 if (vr0 == VR_RANGE)
+	   {
+	     wi::add (wmin0, cst1, TYPE_SIGN (inner_type), &min_ovf);
+	     wi::add (wmax0, cst1, TYPE_SIGN (inner_type), &max_ovf);
+	   }
+	 /* Inner overflow does not matter in this case.  */
+	 if (ovf_undef_inner)
+	   {
+	     min_ovf = wi::OVF_NONE;
+	     max_ovf = wi::OVF_NONE;
+	   }
+	 /* Extend CST from INNER_TYPE to TYPE.  */
+	 cst1 = cst1.from (cst1, TYPE_PRECISION (type), TYPE_SIGN (inner_type));
+	 /* Check for overflow of (TYPE)(CST1 + CST2).  */
+	 wi::overflow_type outer_ovf = wi::OVF_OVERFLOW;
+	 wide_int cst = wi::add (cst1, wi::to_wide (@2), TYPE_SIGN (type),
+	     &outer_ovf);
+	 /* We *do* care about an overflow here as we do not want to introduce
+	    new undefined behavior that was not there before.  */
+	 if (ovf_undef_outer && outer_ovf)
+	   {
+	     /* Set these here to prevent the final conversion below
+		to take place instead of introducing a new guard variable.  */
+	     min_ovf = wi::OVF_OVERFLOW;
+	     max_ovf = wi::OVF_OVERFLOW;
+	   }
+       }
+   (if (min_ovf == wi::OVF_NONE && max_ovf == wi::OVF_NONE)
+    (plus (convert @0) { wide_int_to_tree (type, cst); }
+     )))))
+/* ((T)(A)) + CST -> (T)(A + CST)  */
+  (simplify
+   (plus (convert SSA_NAME@0) INTEGER_CST@1)
+    (if (INTEGRAL_TYPE_P (TREE_TYPE (@0))
+         && INTEGRAL_TYPE_P (type)
+         && TYPE_PRECISION (type) > TYPE_PRECISION (TREE_TYPE (@0))
+         && int_fits_type_p (@1, TREE_TYPE (@0)))
+     /* Perform binary operation inside the cast if the constant fits
+        and (A + CST)'s range does not overflow.  */
+     (with
+      {
+	wi::overflow_type min_ovf = wi::OVF_OVERFLOW,
+			  max_ovf = wi::OVF_OVERFLOW;
+        tree inner_type = TREE_TYPE (@0);
+        wide_int w1 = w1.from (wi::to_wide (@1), TYPE_PRECISION (inner_type),
+	    TYPE_SIGN (inner_type));
+        wide_int wmin0, wmax0;
+        if (get_range_info (@0, &wmin0, &wmax0) == VR_RANGE)
+          {
+            wi::add (wmin0, w1, TYPE_SIGN (inner_type), &min_ovf);
+            wi::add (wmax0, w1, TYPE_SIGN (inner_type), &max_ovf);
+          }
+      }
+     (if (min_ovf == wi::OVF_NONE && max_ovf == wi::OVF_NONE)
+      (convert (plus @0 { {wide_int_to_tree (TREE_TYPE (@0), w1)}; })))
+     )))
   /* ~A + A -> -1 */
    (plus:c (bit_not @0) @0)

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