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Re: [[C++ PATCH]] Implement C++2a P0330R2 - Literal Suffixes for ptrdiff_t and size_t

* Ed Smith-Rowland:

> This patch implements C++2a proposal P0330R2 Literal Suffixes for
> ptrdiff_t and size_t*.  It's not official yet but looks very likely to
> pass.  It is incomplete because I'm looking for some opinions. 9We
> also might wait 'till it actually passes).
> This paper takes the direction of a language change rather than a
> library change through C++11 literal operators.  This was after
> feedback on that paper after a few iterations.
> As coded in this patch, integer suffixes involving 'z' are errors in C
> and warnings for C++ <= 17 (in addition to the usual warning about
> implementation suffixes shadowing user-defined ones).

So a plain z would denote ptrdiff_t, and size_t would be zu?  That is
very confusing.

Why is this not consistent with %td, %zd and %zu?  I would have expected
t for ptrdiff_t, zu for size_t, and z for ssize_t.


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