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Re: [og7] Update nvptx_fork/join barrier placement

On 03/09/2018 05:55 PM, Cesar Philippidis wrote:
On 03/09/2018 08:21 AM, Tom de Vries wrote:
On 03/09/2018 12:31 AM, Cesar Philippidis wrote:
Nvidia Volta GPUs now support warp-level synchronization.

Well, let's try to make that statement a bit more precise.

All Nvidia architectures have supported synchronization of threads in a
warp on a very basic level: by means of convergence (and unfortunately,
we've seen that this is very error-prone).

What is new in ptx 6.0 combined with sm_70 is the ability to sync
divergent threads without having to converge, f.i. by using new
instructions bar.warp.sync and barrier.sync.

Yes. The major difference sm_70 GPU architectures and earlier GPUs is
that sm_70 allows the user to explicitly synchronize divergent warps. At
least on Maxwell and Pascal, the PTX SASS compiler uses two instructions
to branch, SYNC and BRA. I think, SYNC guarantees that a warp is
convergent at the SYNC point, whereas BRA makes no such guarantees.

If you want to understand the interplay of sync (or .s suffix), branch and ssy, please read .

What's worse, once a warp has become divergent on sm_60 and earlier
GPUs, there's no way to reliably reconverge them. So, to avoid that
problem, it critical that the PTX SASS compiler use SYNC instructions
when possible. Fortunately, bar.warp.sync resolves the divergent warp
problem on sm_70+.

As such, the
semantics of legacy bar.sync instructions have slightly changed on newer

Before in ptx 3.1, we have for bar.sync:
Barriers are executed on a per-warp basis as if all the threads in a
warp are active. Thus, if any thread in a warp executes a bar
instruction, it is as if all the threads in the warp have executed
the bar instruction. All threads in the warp are stalled until the
barrier completes, and the arrival count for the barrier is incremented
by the warp size (not the number of active threads in the warp). In
conditionally executed code, a bar instruction should only be used if it
is known that all threads evaluate the condition identically (the warp
does not diverge).

But in ptx 6.0, we have:
bar.sync is equivalent to barrier.sync.aligned
Instruction barrier has optional .aligned modifier. When specified, it
indicates that all threads in CTA will execute the same barrier
instruction. In conditionally executed code, an aligned barrier
instruction should only be used if it is known that all threads in
CTA evaluate the condition identically, otherwise behavior is undefined.

So, in ptx 3.1 bar.sync should be executed in convergent mode (all the
threads in each warp executing the same). But in ptx 6.0, bar.sync
should be executed in the mode that the whole CTA is executing the same

So going from the description of ptx, it seems indeed that the semantics
of bar.sync has changed. That is however surprising, since it would
break the forward compatibility that AFAIU is the idea behind ptx.

So for now my hope is that this is a documentation error.

I spent a lot of time debugging deadlocks with the vector length changes
and I have see no changes in the SASS code generated in the newer Nvidia
drivers when compared to the older ones, at lease with respect to the
barrier instructions. This isn't the first time I've seen
inconsistencies with thread synchronization in Nvidia's documentation.
For the longest time, the "CUDA Programming Guide" provided slightly
conflicting semantics for the __syncthreads() function, which ultimately
gets implemented as bar.sync in PTX.

The PTX JIT will now, occasionally, emit a warpsync instruction
immediately before a bar.sync for Volta GPUs. That implies that warps
must be convergent on entry to those threads barriers.

That warps must be convergent on entry to bar.sync is already required
by ptx 3.1.

[ And bar.warp.sync does not force convergence, so if the warpsync
instruction you mention is equivalent to bar.warp.sync then your
reasoning is incorrect. ]

I'm under the impression that bar.warp.sync converges all of the
non-exited threads in a warp.

I have not played around with the instruction yet, so I'm not sure, but what I read from the docs is that bar.warp.sync converges all of the non-exited threads in a warp only and only if it's positioned at a point post-dominating a divergent branch.

Consider this case:
if (tid.x == 0)
    bar.warp.sync 32;
    bar.warp.sync 32;
AFAIU, this allows bar.warp.sync to synchronize the threads in the warp, _without_ converging.

You'd still need to use bar.sync or some
variant of the new barrier instruction to converge the entire CTA. But
at the moment, we're still generating code that's backwards compatible
with sm_30.

The problem in og7, and trunk, is that GCC emits barrier instructions at
the wrong spots. E.g., consider the following OpenACC parallel region:

    #pragma acc parallel loop worker
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      a[i] = i;

At -O2, GCC generates the following PTX code:

                  .reg.u32        %y;
                  mov.u32 %y, %tid.y;
             %r76, %y, 0;
                  .reg.u32        %x;
                  mov.u32 %x, %tid.x;
             %r75, %x, 0;
          @%r76   bra.uni $L6;
          @%r75   bra     $L7;
                  mov.u64 %r67, %ar0;
          // fork 2;
                  cvta.shared.u64 %r74, __oacc_bcast;
                  st.u64  [%r74], %r67;
          @%r75   bra     $L5;
          // forked 2;
                  bar.sync        0;
                  cvta.shared.u64 %r73, __oacc_bcast;
                  ld.u64  %r67, [%r73];
                  mov.u32 %r62, %ntid.y;
                  mov.u32 %r63, %tid.y;
             %r68, %r63, 9;
          @%r68   bra     $L2;
                  mov.u32 %r55, %r63;
                  cvt.s64.s32     %r69, %r62;
                  shl.b64 %r59, %r69, 2;
                  cvt.s64.s32     %r70, %r55;
                  shl.b64 %r71, %r70, 2;
                  add.u64 %r58, %r67, %r71;
                  st.u32  [%r58], %r55;
                  add.u32 %r55, %r55, %r62;
                  add.u64 %r58, %r58, %r59;
                  setp.le.s32     %r72, %r55, 9;
          @%r72   bra     $L3;
                  bar.sync        1;
          // joining 2;
          // join 2;

Note the bar.sync instructions placed immediately after the forked
comment and before the joining comment. The problem here is that branch
above the forked comment guarantees that the warps are not synchronous
(when vector_length > 1, which is always the case).

This is already advised against in ptx 3.1, so yes, we should fix this.

Likewise, bar.sync
instruction before joining should be placed after label L5 in order to
allow all of the threads in the warp to reach it.


The attached patch teaches the nvptx to make those adjustments.

Can you show me a diff of the ptx for the test-case above for trunk?

--- w-old.s     2018-03-08 15:19:47.139516578 -0800
+++ w.s 2018-03-09 08:42:52.217057332 -0800
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@
                 st.u64  [%r74], %r67;
-       @%r75   bra     $L5;
         // forked 2;
                 bar.sync        0;
+       @%r75   bra     $L5;
                 cvta.shared.u64 %r73, __oacc_bcast;
                 ld.u64  %r67, [%r73];
                 mov.u32 %r62, %ntid.y;
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@
                 setp.le.s32     %r72, %r55, 9;
         @%r72   bra     $L3;
-               bar.sync        1;
         // joining 2;
+               bar.sync        1;
         // join 2;

At -O0, yes.

At -O2, we have:
 diff -u -a 1 2
--- 1   2018-03-19 14:13:44.074834552 +0100
+++ 2   2018-03-19 14:15:06.075301168 +0100
@@ -42,20 +42,20 @@
 st.u64 [%r32],%r25;
-@ %r33 bra $L5;
 // forked 2;
 bar.sync 0;
+@ %r33 bra $L5;
 cvta.shared.u64 %r31,__worker_bcast;
 ld.u64 %r25,[%r31];
 mov.u32 %r24,%tid.y;
 setp.le.s32 %r26,%r24,9;
 @ %r26 bra $L2;
-bar.sync 1;
 // joining 2;
-@ %r34 bra.uni $L8;
+bar.sync 1;
 @ %r33 bra $L9;
+@ %r34 bra.uni $L8;
 // join 2;

Note that this changes ordering of the vector-neutering jump and worker-neutering jump at the end. In principle, this should not be harmful, but it violates the invariant that vector-neutering branch-around code should be as short-lived as possible. So, this needs to be fixed.

I've found this issue by adding verification of the neutering, as attached below.

- Tom
Verify bar.sync position

 gcc/config/nvptx/nvptx.c | 140 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 135 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gcc/config/nvptx/nvptx.c b/gcc/config/nvptx/nvptx.c
index 81fcf2c28bc..f1f9f72bf82 100644
--- a/gcc/config/nvptx/nvptx.c
+++ b/gcc/config/nvptx/nvptx.c
@@ -3944,6 +3944,114 @@ bb_first_real_insn (basic_block bb)
+static bool
+verify_neutering_jumps (basic_block from,
+			rtx_insn *vector_jump, rtx_insn *worker_jump,
+			rtx_insn *vector_label, rtx_insn *worker_label)
+  basic_block bb = from;
+  rtx_insn *insn = BB_HEAD (bb);
+  bool seen_worker_jump = false;
+  bool seen_vector_jump = false;
+  bool seen_worker_label = false;
+  bool seen_vector_label = false;
+  bool worker_neutered = false;
+  bool vector_neutered = false;
+  while (true)
+    {
+      if (insn == worker_jump)
+	{
+	  seen_worker_jump = true;
+	  worker_neutered = true;
+	  gcc_assert (!vector_neutered);
+	}
+      else if (insn == vector_jump)
+	{
+	  seen_vector_jump = true;
+	  vector_neutered = true;
+	}
+      else if (insn == worker_label)
+	{
+	  seen_worker_label = true;
+	  gcc_assert (worker_neutered);
+	  worker_neutered = false;
+	}
+      else if (insn == vector_label)
+	{
+	  seen_vector_label = true;
+	  gcc_assert (vector_neutered);
+	  vector_neutered = false;
+	}
+      else if (INSN_P (insn))
+	switch (recog_memoized (insn))
+	  {
+	  case CODE_FOR_nvptx_barsync:
+	    gcc_assert (!vector_neutered && !worker_neutered);
+	    break;
+	  default:
+	    break;
+	  }
+      if (insn != BB_END (bb))
+	insn = NEXT_INSN (insn);
+      else if (JUMP_P (insn) && single_succ_p (bb)
+	       && !seen_vector_jump && !seen_worker_jump)
+	{
+	  bb = single_succ (bb);
+	  insn = BB_HEAD (bb);
+	}
+      else
+	break;
+    }
+  gcc_assert (!(vector_jump && !seen_vector_jump));
+  gcc_assert (!(worker_jump && !seen_worker_jump));
+  if (seen_vector_label || seen_worker_label)
+    {
+      gcc_assert (!(vector_label && !seen_vector_label));
+      gcc_assert (!(worker_label && !seen_worker_label));
+      return true;
+    }
+  return false;
+static void
+verify_neutering_labels (basic_block to, rtx_insn *vector_label, rtx_insn *worker_label)
+  basic_block bb = to;
+  rtx_insn *insn = BB_END (bb);
+  bool seen_worker_label = false;
+  bool seen_vector_label = false;
+  while (true)
+    {
+      if (insn == worker_label)
+	{
+	  seen_worker_label = true;
+	  gcc_assert (!seen_vector_label);
+	}
+      else if (insn == vector_label)
+	seen_vector_label = true;
+      else if (INSN_P (insn))
+	switch (recog_memoized (insn))
+	  {
+	  case CODE_FOR_nvptx_barsync:
+	    gcc_assert (!seen_vector_label && !seen_worker_label);
+	    break;
+	  }
+      if (insn != BB_HEAD (bb))
+	insn = PREV_INSN (insn);
+      else
+	break;
+    }
+  gcc_assert (!(vector_label && !seen_vector_label));
+  gcc_assert (!(worker_label && !seen_worker_label));
 /* Single neutering according to MASK.  FROM is the incoming block and
    TO is the outgoing block.  These may be the same block. Insert at
    start of FROM:
@@ -4049,6 +4157,8 @@ nvptx_single (unsigned mask, basic_block from, basic_block to)
   /* Insert the vector test inside the worker test.  */
   unsigned mode;
   rtx_insn *before = tail;
+  rtx_insn *worker_label = NULL, *vector_label = NULL;
+  rtx_insn *worker_jump = NULL, *vector_jump = NULL;
   for (mode = GOMP_DIM_WORKER; mode <= GOMP_DIM_VECTOR; mode++)
     if (GOMP_DIM_MASK (mode) & skip_mask)
@@ -4067,27 +4177,42 @@ nvptx_single (unsigned mask, basic_block from, basic_block to)
 	  br = gen_br_true_uni (pred, label);
+	rtx_insn *br_insn;
 	if (recog_memoized (head) == CODE_FOR_nvptx_forked
 	    && recog_memoized (NEXT_INSN (head)) == CODE_FOR_nvptx_barsync)
 	    head = NEXT_INSN (head);
-	    emit_insn_after (br, head);
+	    br_insn = emit_insn_after (br, head);
 	else if (recog_memoized (head) == CODE_FOR_nvptx_barsync)
-	  emit_insn_after (br, head);
+	  br_insn = emit_insn_after (br, head);
+	else
+	  br_insn = emit_insn_before (br, head);
+	if (mode == GOMP_DIM_VECTOR)
+	  vector_jump = br_insn;
-	  emit_insn_before (br, head);
+	  worker_jump = br_insn;
 	LABEL_NUSES (label)++;
+	rtx_insn *label_insn;
 	if (tail_branch)
-	  before = emit_label_before (label, before);
+	  {
+	    label_insn = emit_label_before (label, before);
+	    before = label_insn;
+	  }
-	    rtx_insn *label_insn = emit_label_after (label, tail);
+	    label_insn = emit_label_after (label, tail);
 	    if ((mode == GOMP_DIM_VECTOR || mode == GOMP_DIM_WORKER)
 		&& CALL_P (tail) && find_reg_note (tail, REG_NORETURN, NULL))
 	      emit_insn_after (gen_exit (), label_insn);
+	if (mode == GOMP_DIM_VECTOR)
+	  vector_label = label_insn;
+	else
+	  worker_label = label_insn;
   /* Now deal with propagating the branch condition.  */
@@ -4187,6 +4312,11 @@ nvptx_single (unsigned mask, basic_block from, basic_block to)
       validate_change (tail, recog_data.operand_loc[0], unsp, false);
+  bool seen_label = verify_neutering_jumps (from, vector_jump, worker_jump,
+					    vector_label, worker_label);
+  if (!seen_label)
+    verify_neutering_labels (to, vector_label, worker_label);
 /* PAR is a parallel that is being skipped in its entirety according to

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