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Re: [GCC 9][RFC][PATCH] Optimize PHIs with constant arguments better


On Thu, 30 Nov 2017, Jeff Law wrote:

> And after PHI propagation we have:
>   # m_5 = PHI <10(5), 12(6), 14(7)>
>   # _2 = PHI <10(5), 12(6), 14(7)>
>   # _3 = PHI <320(5), 384(6), 448(7)>
> <L13>:
>   goto <bb 12>; [100.00%]
> DCE will come along and wipe out m_5 and _2 if they are unused.

When I did something along these lines a long time ago I had to be a bit 
careful in not regressing performance.  Every PHI node with constants will 
generate N instructions (with N the arity), there's no coalescing 
possible.  And if the feeding PHI nodes don't go away it increases 
register pressure by (at least) one.

In one situation at that time I basically replaced N PHI nodes and 
N*N instructions (each calculating x op y for each x,y \in PHI) by N*N PHI 
nodes, increasing register pressure unsensibly.  As the N*N instructions 
formed a few expr trees the register pressure before the transformation 
was merely at about N+3.  In the end the benchmark was 30% slower than 
faster :)  (spilling added)

(If I read the patch correctly you don't handle the situation of "x op y" 
where both arguments come from PHI nodes, so it's probably not an issue 
for you, but I thought I'd mention it)


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