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Re: [C++ Patch] PR 80955 (Macros expanded in definition of user-defined literals)

On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 3:52 PM, Mukesh Kapoor <> wrote:
> On 10/20/2017 11:00 AM, Mukesh Kapoor wrote:
>> On 10/20/2017 10:45 AM, Nathan Sidwell wrote:
>>> On 10/20/2017 12:37 PM, Mukesh Kapoor wrote:
>>>> This patch fixes
>>>> Handle user-defined literals correctly in lex_string(). An empty string
>>>> followed by an identifier is
>>>> a valid user-defined literal. Don't issue a warning for this case.
>>> a) why do we trigger on the definition of the operator function, and not
>>> on the use site?
>> Actually, the current compiler issues an error (incorrectly) at both
>> places: at the definition as well as at its use.
>>> b) Why is the empty string special cased?  Doesn't the same logic apply
>>> to:
>>> int operator "bob"_zero (const char *, size_t) { return 0;}
>> This is not a valid user-defined literal and is already reported as an
>> error by the compiler. After my changes it's still reported as an error.
>> The empty string immediately followed by an identifier is a special case
>> because it's a valid user-defined literal in C++. ""_zero is a valid
>> user-defined literal.
> Sorry, I used incorrect terminology here. An empty string immediately
> followed by an identifier is a valid name for a literal operator; ""_zero is
> a valid name for a literal operator.

Yes, and indeed "bob"_zero isn't.  But it would be fine for the
testcase to return "bob"_zero, a valid user-defined string literal
which calls operator ""_zero, and that will still break after your

It seems like we need to handle this error recovery in the front end,
where we can look to see if there's a matching operator, rather than
in libcpp.


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