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[PATCH] Add C++17 deduction guide for std::basic_string (P0433R2, partial)

This adds the deduction guide for std::basic_string. The standard says
the guide needs to be constrained to only match types that meet (an
unspecified subset of) the requirements of InputIterators and
Allocators. I've added a new __is_allocator trait for that, which
checks for a nested value_type and checks for an allocate member
function that can be called with a size_t. It's worth noting that
std::allocator<void> does *not* meet that requirement, because it has
no allocate member. (In the terminology of the Networking TS
allocator<void> is a PseudoAllocator, meaning it can be rebound to
obtain an Allocator, but isn't necessarily an Allocator itself.)

I also needed to modify __alloc_traits, so it can only be instantiated
for types that might be allocators (or pseudo-allocators). This
prevents substitution errors outside the immediate context when
argument deduction performs overload resolution on basic_string
constructors, and tries to refer to invalid types such as
__alloc_traits<int>::size_type. For a demonstration of this problem,

template<typename A>
struct allocator_traits {
 using size_type = typename A::size_type;

struct allocator { using size_type = unsigned; };

template<typename T, typename A = allocator>
struct container
 using size_type = typename allocator_traits<A>::size_type;

 container(const container&, unsigned, unsigned) { }

 container(size_type, T, const A& = A()) { }

int main()
 container<char> c(1, '2');
 container d(c, 0, 0);
} In instantiation of 'struct allocator_traits<int>':   required by substitution of 'template<class T, class A> container(container<T, A>::size_type, T, const A&)-> container<T, A> [with T = int; A = int]'   required from here error: 'int' is not a class, struct, or union type
  using size_type = typename A::size_type;

Changing __alloc_traits avoids this, because the substitution failures
happen in the immediate context. The change to __alloc_traits
shouldn't affect any mangled symbols, because that type is only used

	* include/bits/alloc_traits.h (__is_allocator, _RequireAllocator):
	New trait and alias for detecting Allocator-like types.
	* include/bits/basic_string.h (basic_string): Add deduction guide
	from P0433.
	* include/ext/alloc_traits.h (__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits): Add template
	parameter with default template argument that causes substitution
	failures for types that cannot be allocators.
	* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/cons/char/ New.
	* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/cons/wchar_t/ New.

Tested powerpc64le-linux, committed to trunk.

Attachment: patch.txt
Description: Text document

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