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This patch has several effects: 1) The management of the secondary stack is now "tighter". A transient block created for the purpose of managing the secondary stack will do so unless the block appears within a function returning on the secondary stack or when 2) is in effect. Previously, due to some questionable logic, the management was left to the nearest enclosing scoping construct and not the block even though the block was created to manage the secondary stack in the first place. 2) Switch -gnatd.s now controls an optimization where a transient block created for the purpose of managing the secondary stack will no longer manage the secondary stack when there is an enclosing scoping construct which already does so. ------------ -- Source -- ------------ -- package Pack is type Truth_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Boolean; procedure Diagnose_Truth (Val : Truth_Array); function Diagnose_Truth (Val : Truth_Array) return Boolean; function Invert_Truth (Val : Truth_Array) return Truth_Array; function Is_All_False (Val : Truth_Array) return Boolean; function Is_All_True (Val : Truth_Array) return Boolean; function Is_Gray_Area (Val : Truth_Array) return Boolean; function Make_Truth (Ts : Natural; Fs : Natural) return Truth_Array; end Pack; -- pack.adb with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Pack is procedure Diagnose_Truth (Val : Truth_Array) is begin if Is_All_False (Val) then Put_Line (" it is all lies"); elsif Is_All_True (Val) then Put_Line (" it is all true"); elsif Is_Gray_Area (Val) then Put_Line (" 50 shades of gray"); else Put_Line (" truth not found"); end if; end Diagnose_Truth; function Diagnose_Truth (Val : Truth_Array) return Boolean is begin Diagnose_Truth (Val); return True; end Diagnose_Truth; function Invert_Truth (Val : Truth_Array) return Truth_Array is Result : Truth_Array := Val; begin for Index in Result'Range loop Result (Index) := not Val (Index); end loop; return Result; end Invert_Truth; function Is_All_False (Val : Truth_Array) return Boolean is Has_True : Boolean := False; Is_Empty : Boolean := True; begin for Index in Val'Range loop Is_Empty := False; if Val (Index) then Has_True := True; exit; end if; end loop; return not Is_Empty and not Has_True; end Is_All_False; function Is_All_True (Val : Truth_Array) return Boolean is Has_False : Boolean := False; Is_Empty : Boolean := True; begin for Index in Val'Range loop Is_Empty := False; if not Val (Index) then Has_False := True; exit; end if; end loop; return not Is_Empty and not Has_False; end Is_All_True; function Is_Gray_Area (Val : Truth_Array) return Boolean is Has_False : Boolean := False; Has_True : Boolean := False; Is_Empty : Boolean := True; begin for Index in Val'Range loop Is_Empty := False; if Val (Index) then Has_True := True; else Has_False := True; end if; end loop; return not Is_Empty and Has_False and Has_True; end Is_Gray_Area; function Make_Truth (Ts : Natural; Fs : Natural) return Truth_Array is Result : Truth_Array (1 .. Ts + Fs) := (others => False); begin for Index in 1 .. Ts loop Result (Index) := True; end loop; return Result; end Make_Truth; end Pack; -- optimization.adb with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Pack; use Pack; pragma Warnings (Off); with System.Secondary_Stack; use System.Secondary_Stack; pragma Warnings (On); procedure Optimization is procedure Leaks (Val : Boolean) is Obj : constant Truth_Array := Make_Truth (100_000, 0); begin if Val then Diagnose_Truth (Invert_Truth (Make_Truth (0, 100_000))); end if; end Leaks; SS_Before : constant Mark_Id := SS_Mark; begin Leaks (True); if SS_Mark = SS_Before then Put_Line ("OK"); else Put_Line ("ERROR: secondary stack not reclaimed"); end if; end Optimization; ---------------------------- -- Compilation and output -- (only relevant parts shown) ---------------------------- $ gnatmake -q -f -gnatG -gnatdI optimization.adb $ ./optimization $ gnatmake -q -f -gnatG -gnatdI optimization.adb -gnatd.s $ ./optimization procedure optimization__leaks (val : boolean) is M...b : constant system__secondary_stack__mark_id := $system__secondary_stack__ss_mark; procedure optimization__leaks___finalizer; procedure optimization__leaks___finalizer is begin $system__secondary_stack__ss_release (M...b); return; end optimization__leaks___finalizer; begin type optimization__leaks__A...b is access all pack__truth_array; R...b : constant optimization__leaks__A...b := pack__make_truth ( 100000, 0)'reference; B...b : constant integer := R...b.all'first(1); B...b : constant integer := R...b.all'last(1); subtype optimization__leaks__TobjS is pack__truth_array (B...b .. B...b); [constraint_error when B...b >= B...b and then (B...b < 1) "range check failed"] obj : pack__truth_array renames R...b.all; if val then B...b : declare M...b : constant system__secondary_stack__mark_id := $system__secondary_stack__ss_mark; procedure optimization__leaks__B...b___finalizer; procedure optimization__leaks__B...b___finalizer is begin $system__secondary_stack__ss_release (M...b); return; end optimization__leaks__B...b___finalizer; begin pack__diagnose_truth (pack__invert_truth (pack__make_truth (0, 100000))); at end optimization__leaks__B...b___finalizer; end B...b; end if; return; at end optimization__leaks___finalizer; end optimization__leaks; it is all true OK procedure optimization__leaks (val : boolean) is M...b : constant system__secondary_stack__mark_id := $system__secondary_stack__ss_mark; procedure optimization__leaks___finalizer; procedure optimization__leaks___finalizer is begin $system__secondary_stack__ss_release (M...b); return; end optimization__leaks___finalizer; begin type optimization__leaks__A...b is access all pack__truth_array; R...b : constant optimization__leaks__A...b := pack__make_truth ( 100000, 0)'reference; B...b : constant integer := R...b.all'first(1); B...b : constant integer := R...b.all'last(1); subtype optimization__leaks__TobjS is pack__truth_array (B...b .. B...b); [constraint_error when B...b >= B...b and then (B...b < 1) "range check failed"] obj : pack__truth_array renames R...b.all; if val then B...b : declare begin pack__diagnose_truth (pack__invert_truth (pack__make_truth (0, 100000))); end B...b; end if; return; at end optimization__leaks___finalizer; end optimization__leaks; it is all true OK Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk 2017-04-27 Hristian Kirtchev <> * debug.adb: Document the use of switch -gnatd.s. * Update the documentation on attribute Sec_Stack_Needed_For_Return and attribute Uses_Sec_Stack. Remove the uses of these attributes from certain entities. * exp_ch7.adb (Make_Transient_Block): Reimplement the circuitry which determines whether the block should continue to manage the secondary stack. (Manages_Sec_Stack): New routine.
Description: Text document
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