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Re: [RFC PATCH] avoid printing type suffix with %E

On 10/26/2016 10:37 AM, Martin Sebor wrote:
When formatting an integer constant using the %E directive GCC
includes a suffix that indicates its type.  This can perhaps be
useful in some situations but in my experience it's distracting
and gets in the way when writing tests.

Here's an example:

  $ cat b.c && gcc b.c
  constexpr __SIZE_TYPE__ x = 2;

  enum E: bool { e = x };
  b.c:3:20: error: enumerator value 2ul is outside the range of
underlying type ‘bool’
   enum E: bool { e = x };

Notice the "2ul" in the error message.

As far as I can tell, Clang avoids printing the suffix and I think
it would be nice if the GCC pretty printer made it possible to avoid
it as well.

The attached patch implements one such approach by having the pretty
printer recognize the space format flag to suppress the type suffix,
so "%E" still prints the suffix but "% E" does not.  I did this to
preserve the existing output but I think it would be nicer to avoid
printing the suffix with %E and treat (for instance) the pound sign
as a request to add the suffix.  I have tested the attached patch
but not the alternative.

Does anyone have any comments/suggestions for which of the two
approaches would be preferable (or what I may have missed here)?
I CC David as the diagnostic maintainer.
I'm having a hard time seeing how this is a significant issue, even when writing tests.

It also seems to me that relaying the type of the constant as a suffix would help in cases that aren't so obvious.

What am I missing?


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