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Re: [PATCH 3/5] Run profile feedback tests with autofdo

On May 21, 2016 6:36:24 PM GMT+02:00, Andi Kleen <> wrote:
>From: Andi Kleen <>

>diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/lib/profopt.exp
>index 0aea6c4..4ddb10a 100644
>--- a/gcc/testsuite/lib/profopt.exp
>+++ b/gcc/testsuite/lib/profopt.exp
>@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ load_lib gcc-dg.exp
> global PROFOPT_OPTIONS perf_delta
> # The including .exp file must define these.
>-global tool profile_option feedback_option prof_ext
>+global tool profile_option feedback_option prof_ext profile_wrapper
> if ![info exists tool] {
>     error "Tools is not specified."
> }
>@@ -229,6 +229,18 @@ proc profopt-get-options { src } {
>     return ${dg-extra-tool-flags}
> }
>+# auto-profopt-execute -- Compile for auot profiling and then
>feedback, then normal.


>+# SRC is the full path name of the testcase.
>+proc auto-profopt-execute { src } {
>+    set profile_wrapper [profopt-perf-wrapper]
>+    set profile_options "-g"
>+    set feedback_options "-fauto-profile"
>+    set run_autofdo 1
>+    profopt-execute $src
>+    set run_autofdo ""
>+    set profile_wrapper ""
> #
># c-prof-execute -- compile for profiling and then feedback, then
> #
>@@ -238,6 +250,7 @@ proc profopt-execute { src } {
>     global srcdir tmpdir
>     global PROFOPT_OPTIONS
>global tool profile_option feedback_option prof_ext perf_ext perf_delta
>+    global profile_wrapper run_autofdo ld_library_path
>     global generate_final_code use_final_code
>     global verbose
>     global testname_with_flags
>@@ -248,6 +261,12 @@ proc profopt-execute { src } {
>     if ![info exists feedback_option] {
>         error "No feedback option specified for second compile."
>     }
>+    if ![info exists profile_wrapper] {
>+	set profile_wrapper ""
>+    }
>+    if ![info exists run_autofdo] {
>+	set run_autofdo ""
>+    }
>     # Use the default option list or one defined for a set of tests.
>     if ![info exists PROFOPT_OPTIONS] {
>@@ -313,6 +332,7 @@ proc profopt-execute { src } {
> 	# valid, by running it after dg-additional-files-options.
> 	foreach ext $prof_ext {
> 	    profopt-target-cleanup $tmpdir $base $ext
>+	    profopt-target-cleanup $tmpdir perf data
> 	}

I think I've asked this before.. Why do you need to run cleanup of perf data in this loop (and not outside)?
Also why the asymmetry ...
> 	# Tree profiling requires TLS runtime support, which may need
>@@ -335,12 +355,49 @@ proc profopt-execute { src } {
> 	}
> 	# Run the profiled test.
>+	if { $run_autofdo == 1 } {
>+	    if { ![info exists ld_library_path]} {
>+		set ld_library_path ""
>+	    }
>+	    set orig_ld_library_path "[getenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH]"
>+	    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$ld_library_path:$orig_ld_library_path"
>+	    verbose "Running $profile_wrapper $execname1"
>+	    set id [remote_spawn "" "$profile_wrapper $execname1" "readonly"]
>+	    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $orig_ld_library_path
>+	    if { $id < 0 } {
>+		warning "Failed to run profiler"
>+		set status "fail"
>+	    } else {
>+		set result [remote_wait "" 300]
>+		set status [lindex $result 0]
>+		verbose "perf result $result"
>+		if { $status == 0 } {
>+		    set status "pass"
>+		} else {
>+		    set status "fail"
>+		}
>+	    }
>+	} else {
>+	    set result [${tool}_load $execname1 "" ""]
>+	    set status [lindex $result 0]
>+	}
>-	set result [${tool}_load $execname1 "" ""]
>-	set status [lindex $result 0]
> 	set missing_file 0
> 	# Make sure the profile data was generated, and fail if not.
> 	if { $status == "pass" } {
>+	    # convert profile
>+	    if { $run_autofdo == 1 } {
>+		set cmd "create_gcov --binary $execname1
>-gcov_version=1 --gcov=$tmpdir/$base.$ext"
>+		verbose "Running $cmd"
>+		set id [remote_spawn "" $cmd]
>+		if { $id < 0 } {
>+		    set status "fail"
>+		    fail "$testcase: Cannot run $cmd"
>+		}
>+		set status [remote_wait "" 300]
>+		set status "pass"
>+	    }
> 	    foreach ext $prof_ext {
> 		remote_upload target $tmpdir/$base.$ext
> 		set files [glob -nocomplain $base.$ext]
>@@ -375,6 +432,10 @@ proc profopt-execute { src } {
> 	set options "$extra_options"
>	lappend options "additional_flags=$option $extra_flags
> 	set optstr "$option $feedback_option"
>+	if { [string first "-fauto-profile" $options] >= 0} {
>+	    set options [regsub -- "-fauto-profile" $options
>+	}
>	set comp_output [${tool}_target_compile "$src" "$execname2"
>"executable" $options]
> 	# Prune warnings we know are unwanted.
>@@ -399,7 +460,9 @@ proc profopt-execute { src } {
> 	# Remove the profiling data files.
> 	foreach ext $prof_ext {
> 	    profopt-target-cleanup $tmpdir $base $ext
>+	    profopt-target-cleanup $tmpdir perf data
> 	}
>+	file delete ""	

... here?

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