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Re: [PATCH] Fix spec-options.c test case

On 05/01/2016 09:52 AM, Bernd Edlinger wrote:

I took a closer look at this test case, and I found, except that
it triggers a dejagnu bug, it is also wrong.  I have tested with
a cross-compiler for target=sh-elf and found that the test case
actually FAILs because the foo.specs uses "cppruntime" which
is only referenced in gcc/config/sh/superh.h, but sh/superh.h
is only included for target sh*-superh-elf, see gcc/config.gcc.

This means that it can only pass for target=sh-superh-elf.

The attached patch fixes the testcase and makes it run always,
so that it does no longer triggers the dejagnu bug.

So, two things. Why not use a string in the specs file that exists on all targets? If it's a sh-specific thing we want to test, move why not move it to


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