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Re: [PATCHES, PING*5] Enhance standard DWARF for Ada

On 02/25/2016 04:51 PM, Jakub Jelinek wrote:
Do you have some short Ada testcase where the DW_OP_call4 referring to
DW_TAG_dwarf_procedure is supposed to be emitted?  I believe you must be
getting there the .Ldebug_info0+0 invalid reference in the DW_OP_call4

Sure! Hereâs one:
$ gcc -S -g -fgnat-encodings=minimal -dA foo.adb && grep DW_OP_call4 foo.s
foo.s:313:      .byte   0x99    # DW_OP_call4

Pierre-Marie de Rodat
procedure Foo is

   type Record_Type (N : Natural) is record
      S1 : String (1 .. N);
      S2 : String (1 .. N);
   end record;

   procedure Process (R : Record_Type) is
   end Process;

   R : Record_Type (4) := (4, "abcd", "efgh");

   Process (R);
end Foo;

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