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Re: [1/3] OpenACC reductions

On Mon, Nov 02, 2015 at 11:18:37AM -0500, Nathan Sidwell wrote:
> This is the core execution bits of OpenACC reductions.
> We have a new internal fn 'IFN_GOACC_REDUCTION' and a new target hook
> goacc.reduction, to lower it on the target compiler.

So, let me start with a few questions:
1) does OpenACC allow UDRs or only the built-in reductions?  If it
   does not allow UDRs, do you have it covered by testcases that you
   disallow parsing of them (e.g. when you have
#pragma omp declare reduction (xyz: struct S: omp_out.x += omp_in.y) initializer (omp_priv = { 5 })
#pragma acc parallel reduction (xyz: var_with_type_S)
2) how do you expand the reductions in the end when targetting host fallback
   or when targetting non-PTX targets?


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