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[Ada] Implement -gnatd.k to suppress internal line numbers

The new debug switch -gnatd.k suppresses occurrences of line numbers
within error messages referring to a location in an internal file.

The following test normally compiles as follows (with -gnatj55)

     1. with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
     2. with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
     3. procedure cdm is
     5.    generic
     6.       type TElement is digits <>;
     7.    package Matrices is
     8.       type Matrice (<>) is tagged private;
     9.       function Cree_Matrice
    10.         (Lignes, Colonnes : Positive;
    11.          Valeur           : TElement := 0.0)
    12.          return             Matrice;
    13.       function Nb_Lignes (M : Matrice) return Natural;
    14.       function Nb_Colonnes (M : Matrice) return Natural;
    15.       function Element
    16.         (M : Matrice; Ligne, Colonne : Positive)
    17.          return TElement
    18.               with Pre => Ligne <= Nb_Lignes(M);
    19.       procedure Affiche (M : Matrice);
    20.    private
    21.       package IntMatrices is new
    22.         Ada.Containers.Vectors (Positive, TElement);
    23.       type Matrice is new IntMatrices.Vector with record
        >>> type must be declared abstract or "copy"
            overridden, "copy" has been inherited from
            subprogram at, instance
            at line 21

    24.          Lignes, Colonnes : Natural;
    25.       end record;
    26.       function To_Vector
    27.         (Length : Ada.Containers.Count_Type) return Matrice;
    28.       function To_Vector
    29.         (New_Item : TElement;
    30.          Length   : Ada.Containers.Count_Type)
    31.          return     Matrice;
    32.       function "&" (Left, Right : Matrice) return Matrice;
    33.       function "&" (Left : Matrice; Right : TElement)
    34.                     return Matrice;
    35.       function "&" (Left : TElement; Right : Matrice)
    36.                     return Matrice;
    37.       function "&" (Left, Right : TElement) return Matrice;
    38.    end Matrices;
    40.    package body Matrices is
    42.       function Cree_Matrice
    43.         (Lignes, Colonnes : Positive;
    44.          Valeur           : TElement := 0.0)
    45.          return             Matrice
    46.       is
    47.       begin
    48.          return (IntMatrices.To_Vector
    49.                     (Valeur,
    50.                     Ada.Containers.Count_Type
    51.                       (Lignes * Colonnes))
    52.                  with Lignes, Colonnes);
    53.       end Cree_Matrice;
    55.       function Nb_Lignes (M : Matrice) return Natural is
    56.       begin
    57.          return M.Lignes;
    58.       end Nb_Lignes;
    60.       function Nb_Colonnes (M : Matrice) return Natural is
    61.       begin
    62.          return M.Colonnes;
    63.       end Nb_Colonnes;
    65.       function Element
    66.         (M : Matrice; Ligne, Colonne : Positive)
    67.          return TElement is
    68.       begin
    69.          if Ligne > M.Lignes or Colonne > M.Colonnes then
    70.             raise Constraint_Error;
    71.          end if;
    72.          return Element (M, (Ligne - 1) * M.Colonnes + Colonne);
    73.       end Element;
    75.       procedure Affiche (M : Matrice) is
    76.       begin
    77.          for I in 1 .. M.Lignes loop
    78.             for J in 1 .. M.Colonnes loop
    79.                Ada.Text_IO.Put (TElement'Image (Element (M, I, J))
    80.             end loop;
    81.             Ada.Text_IO.New_Line;
    82.          end loop;
    83.          Ada.Text_IO.New_Line;
    84.       end Affiche;
    86.       function To_Vector
    87.         (Length : Ada.Containers.Count_Type)
    88.          return Matrice is
    89.       begin
    90.          return (IntMatrices.To_Vector (Length) with 0, 0);
    91.       end To_Vector;
    93.       function To_Vector
    94.         (New_Item : TElement;
    95.          Length   : Ada.Containers.Count_Type)
    96.          return     Matrice
    97.       is
    98.       begin
    99.          return (IntMatrices.To_Vector
   100.                  (New_Item, Length) with 0, 0);
   101.       end To_Vector;
   103.       function "&" (Left, Right : Matrice) return Matrice is
   104.       begin
   105.          return (IntMatrices.
   106.                    "&" (IntMatrices.Vector (Left),
   107.                      IntMatrices.Vector (Right)) with 0, 0);
   108.       end "&";
   110.       function "&" (Left : Matrice; Right : TElement)
   111.                     return Matrice is
   112.       begin
   113.          return (IntMatrices."&"
   114.                  (IntMatrices.Vector (Left), Right) with 0, 0);
   115.       end "&";
   117.       function "&" (Left : TElement; Right : Matrice)
   118.                     return Matrice is
   119.       begin
   120.          return (IntMatrices."&"
   121.                  (Left, IntMatrices.Vector (Right)) with 0, 0);
   122.       end "&";
   124.       function "&" (Left, Right : TElement) return Matrice is
   125.       begin
   126.          return (IntMatrices."&" (Left, Right) with 0, 0);
   127.       end "&";
   128.    end Matrices;
   130.    package MatricesReelles is new Matrices (Float);
   131.    use MatricesReelles;
   132.    M2 : constant Matrice := Cree_Matrice (4, 4);
   133. begin
   134.    Put_Line (Element (M2, 2, 3)'Img);
   135.    New_Line;
   136.    Affiche (M2);
   137. end cdm;

with -gnatd.k, the error message is changed to:

cdm.adb:23:12: type must be declared abstract or
               "copy" overridden, "copy" has been
               inherited from subprogram at
     , instance at line 21

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2015-05-26  Robert Dewar  <>

	* debug.adb: Document -gnatd.k.
	* erroutc.adb (Set_Msg_Insertion_Line_Number): Implement -gnatd.k.

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