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Re: [PATCH 00/13] Go closures, libffi, and the static chain

On 12/11/2014 01:06 AM, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> 	../../../libgo/runtime/go-reflect-call.c:216
> 	GCCDIR/build-go-closure/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libgo/gotest30365/test/value.go:579
> reflect.Call.N13_reflect.Value
> 	GCCDIR/build-go-closure/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libgo/gotest30365/test/value.go:412
> reflect_test.TestCallWithStruct
> 	GCCDIR/build-go-closure/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libgo/gotest30365/test/all_test.go:1490
> testing.tRunner
> 	../../../libgo/go/testing/testing.go:422

Indeed.  libgo uses ffi_type_void to represent empty structures,
and libffi would crash for x86_64 when passing such parameters.

This does go back to an open bug report about how libffi handles
empty structures in general.

I've fixed this on the branch, and I'll push this through the
proper channels later.


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