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Re: [gofrontend-dev] [PATCH 4/4] Gccgo port to s390[x] -- part II

Ian Taylor <> writes:

> I don't know what's up with the complex number change.  In general the
> Go compiler and libraries go to some effort to produce the same
> answers on all platforms.  We need to understand why we get different
> answers on s390 (you may understand the differences, but I don't).

Oh, I know this one.  I've even filed yet another bug about it:

I assume s390 has a fused multiply add instruction?  It's because
libgcc's implementation of complex division is written in a way such
that gcc compiles an expression like a*b-c*d as fma(a,b,-c*d) and even if
a==c and b==d the latter expression doesn't return 0 unless things are
in power of 2 ratios with one another.

> I won't change the tests without a clear understanding of why we are
> changing them.

I think the *real* fix is for libgcc to use ""Kahan's compensated
algorithm for 2 by 2 determinants"[1] to compute a*b-c*d when fma is


[1] That's something like this:

    // This implements what is sometimes called "Kahan's compensated algorithm for
    // 2 by 2 determinants".  It returns a*b + c*d to a high degree of precision
    // but depends on a fused-multiply add operation that rounds once.
    // The obvious algorithm has problems when a*b and c*d nearly cancel, but the
    // trick is the calculation of 'e': "a*b = w + e" is exact when the operands
    // are considered as real numbers.  So if c*d nearly cancels out w, e restores
    // the result to accuracy.
    Kahan(double a, double b, double c, double d)
      double w, e, f;
      w = b * a;
      e = fma(b, a, -w);
      f = fma(d, c, w);
      return f + e;

    Algorithms like this is why the fma operation was introduced in the
    first place!

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