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Re: [Patch, FORTRAN] PR61933 Inquire on Internal Unit

On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 12:51 AM, Jerry DeLisle <> wrote:
> Hi,
> The attached patch adds a compile time check for negative unit numbers given in
> an INQUIRE statement. A new test case is provided and one updated.

What about units opened with newunit= ? Those have negative unit
numbers. It seems strange that one wouldn't be allowed to inquire such
units? Or if that indeed is the case, I suggest it's a bug in the
standard (one can imagine such happening by forgetting to update
inquire constraints after adding newunit= in f2003).

program negunit
  implicit none
  logical :: file_exists
  integer :: u
  open(newunit=u, file="test.dat")
  inquire(unit=u, exist=file_exists)
  write(*,*) u, file_exists
  close(u, status="delete")
end program negunit

Testing with gfortran 4.9.1 (homebrew) on a Mac, the above program prints

         -10 F

which is wrong, but a slightly different issue. The almost identical program

program posunit
  implicit none
  logical :: file_exists
  integer :: u=10
  open(u, file="test.dat")
  inquire(unit=u, exist=file_exists)
  write(*,*) u, file_exists
  close(u, status="delete")
end program posunit

correctly prints

          10 T

Janne Blomqvist

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