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[Ada] Make sure Do_Range_Check flag is set when needed on OUT parameter

In -gnatc or GNATprove mode, there were cases in which the Do_Range_Check
flag was not set on an OUT parameter, causing e.g. GNAT prove to miss the
requirement for proving that an out parameter result was in range.

This is now corrected, the following test, compiled in -gnatd.F
(GNATprove mode) with -gnatdt generates a log file with a single
instance of the Do_Range_Check flag set on X in line 11 of the
body (the out parameter).

     1. package Out_Subcheck is
     3.    type Index_Type is range 0 .. 10;
     4.    subtype Valid_Index_Type is Index_Type range 1 .. 10;
     6.    procedure Read (Z : out Index_Type);
     8.    function Read_Validate return Valid_Index_Type;
     9. end Out_Subcheck;

     1. package body Out_Subcheck is
     3.    procedure Read (Z : out Index_Type) is
     4.    begin
     5.       Z := 0;
     6.    end Read;
     8.    function Read_Validate return Valid_Index_Type is
     9.       X : Valid_Index_Type;
    10.    begin
    11.       Read (X); --@RANGE_CHECK:FAIL
    12.       return X;
    13.    end Read_Validate;
    15. end Out_Subcheck;

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2014-08-04  Robert Dewar  <>

	* checks.adb (Apply_Scalar_Range_Check): Make sure we handle
	case of OUT and IN OUT parameter correctly (where Source_Typ is
	set), we were missing one case where a check must be applied.

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