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[Ada] Alternate output modes for GNAT.Memory_Dump

Output lines from GNAT.Memory_Dump.Dump can now be prefixed with an offset
relative to the start of the dump, or have no prefix at all, instead of
showing an absolute address.

$ gnatmake -q dump_test
$ ./dump_test
00: 4C 6F 72 65 6D 20 69 70 73 75 6D 20 64 6F 6C 6F "Lorem ipsum dolo"
10: 72 20 73 69 74 20 61 6D 65 74 2C 20 63 6F 6E 73 "r sit amet, cons"
20: 65 63 74 65 74 75 65 72 20 61 64 69 70 69 73 63 "ectetuer adipisc"
30: 69 6E 67 20 73 65 64 20 64 69 61 6D 20 6E 6F 6E "ing sed diam non"
40: 75 6D                                           "um"

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with GNAT.Memory_Dump; use GNAT.Memory_Dump;
procedure Dump_Test is
   S : constant String := "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing"
                          & " sed diam nonum";
   Dump (S'Address, S'Length, Offset);

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2014-07-18  Thomas Quinot  <>

	* g-memdum.adb, (Dump): New parameter Prefix, defaulted
	to Absolute_Address.

Attachment: difs
Description: Text document

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