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Re: Lambda templates and implicit function templates.

On 08/27/2013 03:42 PM, Adam Butcher wrote:
Unfortunately, due to errors being thrown 'early' in grokdeclarator, I
haven't been able to get 'auto...' (or reference/qualified variants)
working yet.  I think I need to defer processing the parameter pack
internals of grokdeclarator until I have the synthesized template
parameter (or generate one on the fly in-place --- but that's
returning to the old 'on-demand' implementation which we moved away

Hmm, yes.  I'm not sure which approach would be better.

I don't know if it's the correct thing to do but the implementation
currently omits the conversion to function pointer operator if the
argument list contains a parameter pack.

I would expect that to work. Does the specification not provide for deduction in that case?

One other thing, assuming the 'auto...' syntax can be made to work,
bug 41933 needs to be resolved for the expansion returned by the
generic lambda in N3690 to compile.  Currently (transforming
the 'auto&&...' to an explicit '<typename T...> T&&...') appears to
yield the bug.

Bug 41933 is specifically about lambda capture; I think you're running into something else.


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