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Re: [PATCH 1/*] Fix common typos.

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 04:44:40PM +0200, Marc Glisse wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Jul 2013, OndÅej BÃlka wrote:
> >Then I ran script/stylepp_fix_spell which produced following 300kb patch:
> >
> >
> There are still some wrong fixes, humans really need to check each
> of them (for instance throught -> thought instead of through). I
> think I saw a few overlong lines (more than 80 chars on a line,
> counting a tab as 8) after replacement. 
I try to keep these issues separate.
Dealing with long lines is one of these. Now I added another tool to
stylepp. If you add stylepp/script to PATH then you can run

stylepp_long_line --hook

Which will open vim on lines with long lines. A hook flag is for
opening only files that were changed since last commit (only git for now).

> I don't know if capitalizing
> all instances of "ok" is really worth it...
Well both are valid, according to wikipedia OK is better because it ok
is harder to spot when you glance through code. 

Problem here is not ok itself but that diffs in patch are organized in
mostly random order. If I could sort hunks such that typos come in
alphabetic order it would be easier to review repeated corrections.
I am not sure how to get this. 

> -- 
> Marc Glisse

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